SVAC Celebrates a Year of Service to Scarsdale


Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps Celebrated a Year of Service to Scarsdale

The Scarsdale Village Ambulance Corps held their holiday party on December 8th to honor their staff and volunteers who give many hours each year to assisting their neighbors when called.

On hand were Mayor Jon Mark and Assemblywoman Amy Paulin along with many corps volunteers. SVAC President David Raizen and SMS teacher Steve Rambone celebrated 40 years with SVAC.


Angela Manson was named Rookie of the Year

Angela Manson was named Rookie of the Year

Al Garavito was named Paramedic of the Year

Jim Gross was named EMT of the Year


Al Garavito was named Paramedic of the Year

Kudos to the entire corps for their devotion to assisting neighbors in their time of need.


Jim Gross was named Paramedic of the Year

The Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps relies on your support. Click here to give your annual donation.

Photos by Jon Thaler: See more here.


Steve Rambone and David Raizen have both been with SVAC for forty years!