Auditions at Greenville Community Theater

Greenville Community Theater has announced open auditions for its Spring production of: All in the Timing A Very Clever Comedy by David Ives. The play will be directed by Janice Fay Hanges and auditions will be held on March 16 and 18, 2010 at 7:30 pm at Greenville Community Church, Ardsley Road, Scarsdale, New York. The play is being produced by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc. New York.

Winner of the John Gassner Playwriting Award, All in the Timing is a critically acclaimed, award-winning, hilarious evening of comedies that combines wit, intellect, satire. . . and just plain fun.

FOREPLAY or: THE ART OF THE FUGUE is a well-crafted sextet — an intricate pattern of dialogue, tracing three separate scenes, or are they seductions? It introduces us to three instances in the life of Chuck, as he attempts, with varying degrees of success, to convince three very different ladies that miniature golf really is a metaphor for life. (3 Males, 3 Females) (The script can be found in the script called Long Ago and Far Away – a separate collection of one-acts by David Ives)

SURE THING is a classic of contemporary comedy: Two people meet in a cafe and find their way through a conversational minefield full of false starts, gaffes, and faux pas on their way to falling in love. (1Male, 1Female)

 WORDS, WORDS, WORDS recalls the philosophical adage that three monkeys typing into infinity will sooner or later produce HAMLET and asks: What would monkeys talk about at their typewriters? (2Males, 1Female — should be comfortable with physical comedy; able to “act” like a monkey)

THE UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE brings together Dawn, a young woman with a stutter, and Don, the creator and teacher of Unamunda, a wild comic language. Their lesson sends them off into a dazzling display of hysterical verbal pyrotechnics—and, of course, true love. (2 Males, 1Female)

 THE PHILADELPHIA presents a man in a restaurant who has fallen into “a Philadelphia,” a Twilight Zone-like state in which he cannot get anything he asks for. How can he get out of this exceedingly frustrating dilemma? (2 Males, 1 Female)

 VARIATIONS ON THE DEATH OF TROTSKY shows us the Russian revolutionary on the day of his demise, desperately trying to cope with the mountain-climber’s axe he's discovered in his head. (2 Males, 1 Female)
Cast Information: All roles are open — age ranges: 20’s to 60’s — multi-racial encouraged

Performance Dates: June 16, 17, 18, 19, 2010 (Note: on 6/19 – 2 performances at 3 and 8 pm)
If you can’t make these dates, but would like to audition, please call or email for further information)
For auditions, go to the back of Greenvile Community Church, then down the steps to Hessler Hall. 

For more information:
Email: .
Call: 914-428-6393