Disappointments, challenges, frustration—who can avoid these? But how can you stay calm amidst chaos? Does being at peace mean giving up? The truth is, the only thing you can truly control is your mind. And when you master that, you connect with your inner self and unlock the power of your mind.
Pragya Jindal is a Scarsdale based mindfulness coach and a certified life coach who has developed the program called ‘Power of your Mind’. Here she explains her approach and how it can help you to overcome anxiety, stress and self doubt to be a happier you.
What is the Power of Your Mind?
Although our lives today are far more comfortable than they were 100 years ago—with modern conveniences like electricity, automobiles, running water, heating and air conditioning,technology and advanced healthcare—many of us remain deeply unhappy. We have everything previous generations dreamed of, yet 33% of people globally experience daily stress, worry, or sadness. In the U.S., 77% of adults face physical symptoms caused by stress, including headaches, fatigue, and sleep issues.
Power of Your Mind is a program in happiness, self awareness and emotional wellness. It is my carefully curated course, consisting of 12 transformative sessions designed to help you achieve emotional balance and a happier life. As Louise Hay once said, “Your life is a reflection of your thoughts. If you change your thinking, you change your life. It’s as simple as that.”
In this program, you will learn to become aware of your mind and how it is creating your reality. You will discover how to shift negative thoughts and replace them with empowering ones. We become what we feed our subconscious mind. 'Power of your mind' offers a fresh perspective and equips you with practical tools to embrace a more positive way of thinking.
Tell us about yourself:
My pursuit for my own knowledge, wisdom and happiness had led me to journey inwards. I was born and raised in India. All my life, I had a feeling of sadness, anxiety despite having an easy childhood. In 2004, shortly after earning my degree in engineering, I embarked on a profound journey to uncover life’s deeper questions. Although the world seemed full of opportunities, I felt a sense of emptiness that led me to explore happiness, human potential, and the workings of the subconscious mind.
I discovered the transformative power of mantra meditation, which helped me unravel my thought patterns and understand how they shaped my reality. Drawing inspiration from books by thought leaders such as Napoleon Hill, Dr. Joseph Murphy, Eckhart Tolle, Wayne Dyer, and Neale Donald Walsch, I gained valuable insights into navigating life’s challenges with positivity and resilience.
In 2021, I brought these insights together to create Power of Your Mind—a transformative 12-session program inspired by my own journey. Each session mirrors the sequence in which my subconscious revealed its truths, forming a mosaic of self-awareness, authenticity, and purpose.
This is not a religious program, nor do I teach mantra meditation. Instead, it’s a powerful exploration of who we truly are. By cultivating awareness of ourselves, we unlock the transformative power to change our lives and align with happiness and fulfillment. I am a certified life coach.
What inspired you to develop the Power of Your Mind?
I discovered the power of the mind at a young age and learned to use it to stay calm and peaceful, even in the face of life’s challenges. I believe happiness is a choice—our thoughts are within our control, and we can always choose to think differently.
Over time, I watched friends and family struggle with various challenges—business setbacks, relationship issues, and more. Many were caught in cycles of negative thinking. At first, I felt frustrated, wondering why they couldn’t just think differently. But I soon realized that most people aren’t taught how to change their perspective or find peace amidst difficulty.
A turning point came when I helped a close friend navigate a tough three-year relationship. By guiding her to shift her mindset and approach, she transformed her situation entirely. That experience, paired with my passion for learning and teaching, became the foundation for Power of Your Mind.
My goal is to help others shift their thinking, break free from limiting beliefs, and discover the transformative power of their minds.
Discuss your process - what does a session involve?
The first complimentary discovery session is all about understanding the ‘seekers’ needs. I guide them how they can change their mindset if needed. Some people find most of their answers in this meeting. We together assess if the program is a good fit for them.
Power of Your Mind is structured in 12 sessions, each focusing on different aspects of self-awareness, such as power of emotions, acceptance, love, forgiveness, ego and more. I share insights and guide clients through practical exercises, using relatable examples to make these concepts accessible. Each session includes simple exercises, recommended readings, and reflection, encouraging clients to apply these techniques in their lives. We delve into reading os Dr Joseph Murphy, Tara Brach, Esther Hicks, Dr Wayne Dyer, Ekhart Tolle, Napoleon Hill and many more.
The session is held once per week, and so typically people finish the course in 12-16 weeks. https://www.powerofyourmind.life/pages/program can give you a glimpse into what each session holds.
Are the sessions conducted in groups or individually?
Most of my sessions are one-on-one to allow for individualized attention. However, I also welcome small groups, typically three to five people, especially if friends or family wish to take the journey together.
How do you help your clients to identify the underlying issues behind their problems?
The sessions are designed to create self awareness and self reflection.To make it simpler, each session brings a law of subconscious mind. For eg: In session 4, we talk about the power of faith. The law of subconscious mind is “Anything we have faith in, will come to pass.” This gradually leads us to understanding and exploring our limiting beliefs.
I guide clients to uncover limiting beliefs by asking questions that encourage self-reflection. Through this, they often recognize their negative thought patterns. For example, one client realized she had a limiting belief that ‘good things cannot happen to her’. This awareness helped her release these beliefs and make positive changes in her life. She was able to secure a better position in her company which she had been trying for years.
What are some of the issues that you have helped your clients to address?
I’ve helped clients overcome issues like stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. By understanding and reshaping their thought patterns, they learn to face challenges with confidence and resilience. The program equips them with tools to tackle daily obstacles, improve relationships, and foster a more fulfilling life. People have attracted jobs, partners, better resolution to their otherwise hopeless situations .
What makes Power of Your Mind different from other mindfulness programs?
'Power of your mind' is built on simplicity and directness. When we face challenges, we often turn to self-help books. While inspiring, they often leave us wondering how to apply them to our lives. 'Power of your mind' is different—it’s straightforward with easy to apply techniques. For example, when discussing forgiveness, we explore it as a selfish yet healing act, teaching the technique to forgive which is not mostly discussed.
We stay stuck in difficult situations for two reasons: resistance and fear. Power of your Mind teaches you how to accept, take necessary actions, and release fears. Each session introduces subconscious mind principles, helping participants find evidence in their own lives to validate them. Personal stories from my journey and others make these concepts relatable and meaningful.
Who would benefit the most from your sessions?
Power of Your Mind is a transformative program focused on happiness, self-awareness, and personal growth. It is designed for individuals who are genuinely seeking inner happiness, striving for personal growth, or looking to navigate challenging life situations.
This program is ideal for those who value self-care and are ready to look beyond the outer, tangible world to connect with their inner selves. True happiness and success require a willingness to work inwardly, and 'Power of your mind' provides the tools and guidance to help individuals embark on this powerful journey of self-discovery and transformation.
What is the overall goal of Power of Your Mind?
At Power of Your Mind , I believe that no matter what challenges you face, you can overcome them and find happiness. The goal is to help people become self-aware, realize the incredible power of their mind, and equip them with tools to create positive change. In each session, you’ll discover key principles of the subconscious mind and how it transforms habitual thoughts—both positive and negative—into reality.
To learn more and schedule your first complimentary session, contact Mindfullness Coach Pragya Jindal at [email protected], call 347-850-7078 and visit her website at www.powerofyourmind.life.