After recovering from the prom celebration, SHS students enjoyed another rite of passage at Senior Transition Day on Monday June 3.
Now that most know where they will be attending college, they listened with interest to a panel discussion from ten college freshman who had just completed their first year at school. What to expect? First, a lot of walking as most freshman don’t head off to school with their cars. About roomates? The veterans advised that your roommate does not have to be your best friend – just someone you can live with. About the work, the freshman said that the rigorous Scarsdale curriculum had prepared them well for college level work.
Following the panel discussion in the auditorium seniors broke out for smaller discussions with their Deans. Some Deans offered advice, while others had their students write thank you notes to teachers. Students received time capsule letters that they had written to their future selves upon entering high school in ninth grade.
The social part of the day started at noon, when everyone received their yearbooks and exited out of the Brewster Road doors for lunch and yearbook signing. They enjoyed a true hometown lunch with sandwiches from Gianonni’s, with chips and various homemade and custom desserts baked by PTA members.
The PTA created an hour-long photo montage with photos of the class members from their elementary years forward, which ran on a continuous loop on a big screen TV with music playing as the seniors ate and signed yearbooks through 2:30pm.
It was a relaxing day to look back on their experiences in school and forward to what's to come in college.
Photo Credit: Matthew Hill