Kids Learn Essential Safety Skills

SafetyTown029We all know it is important to teach and protect children from danger. First Responders and other safety professionals heeded the call for community volunteers from the Junior League of Central Westchester last week for the popular Safety Town camp program held for incoming Kindergarteners from this area. Scarsdale Synagogue-Tremont Temple hosted the event promoting early-childhood safety education.

Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps (SVAC), Scarsdale Fire Department, Scarsdale Police Department, a life guard and bus driver each spent a morning demonstrating basic safety procedures. Kids climbed inside the ambulance to learn about making a sling for a broken arm, using a blood pressure device and heart stethoscope, and sounded the sirens. Scarsdale Fire came with trucks and hoses, and the Smoke Trailer simulated a house fire and escape routes. The police discussed stranger safety and that guns are not toys! “Who do you call in an emergency,” asked the First Responders? The kid’s reply “911”!

This year an additional 18 children from the Family Services of Westchester Head Start program attended Safety Town with the cost SafetyTown032generously underwritten by local businesses. Lead sponsors, Scarsdale Security Systems, Inc. and State Farm Insurance Vivian Lem, facilitated equipment and countless resources towards the kids. David Raizen, President, Scarsdale Security Systems Inc., commented “Safety and security are our business and it’s great to be part of this teachable moment with the kids.”

The Junior League of Central Westchester is an organization of women from Scarsdale, White Plains, Greenburgh and Eastchester addressing projects to the needs of the community. They provide training, leadership, funding and promote volunteering for life. The Association of Junior Leagues International Inc. reaches out to women of all races, religions and national origins who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to volunteerism.


manson150Information provided by Angela Manson, licensed real estate salesperson with Prudential Centennial, Scarsdale. Manson volunteers with local civic organizations and often writes about the community. She welcomes and assists buyers and sellers in Scarsdale and neighboring communities. She may be reached at 914-420-9878 or [email protected].  Visit their website at: