The cache can be large or small
Geocaching is touted as " any day, any time adventure that can take you to amazing and beautiful places in the place you live or the places you want to visit," by Essentially, with the help of one of any number of apps on your smartphone, it's a never ending outdoor scavenger hunt with strangers. There are geocaches in thousands of locations.
A geocache is an item, typically a container, that holds a number of items and has been hidden at a location whose coordinates are posted on the internet. Geocaching is the pastime of looking for a geocache and a geocacher is someone who...well, you get the idea. Usually there is a log book in the container so fellow geocachers can log their names once they find the treasure. Also geocachers are encouraged to log their find online and write about their experience. Some geocaches encourage an exchange of "knick knacks." One friend of mine took a marble and left an eraser. There are two million caches worldwide and this number is ever-increasing. In fact, there's more than one near you right now.
Watch out for snakes!
There are guidelines that geocachers are asked to follow. If you take something from a geocache, you should leave something of equal or greater value. You should log your experience. Illegal items should not be placed in geocaches. Geocaches are never buried. Geocache sites recommend that geocachers check a log to see that someone has recently logged a find, indicating that the cache is in place and can be found. You can also hide a geocache yourself as long as you follow the appropriate guidelines.
The White Family tested out geocaching, unsure if their 14-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son would be into it. The verdict? "It's a really great way to combine techie interests with the outdoor and hiking," Sarah White said. "I think that for kids who are less active, it provides a good incentive to move and explore. The swag involved, like the trinkets in the box, were not the incentive as much as the treasure hunting aspect of geocaching."
You can walk out your front door right now and find a geocache nearby. Here are some local geocaches to get you started. Opening an account is free.
Please comment if you've been geocaching and share your experiences.