School news in Edgemont can now be followed on two new PTA websites. In the past, both the elementary schools and the junior/senior high school had pages on the school's eChalk system; and while both groups will still maintain active eChalk pages, they now have their own websites. Parents can check out all the PTA/PTSA news in greater detail on the sites and pay their membership dues online -- a move which should make it easier for all parents to join and support their PTA. Check out the Greenville and Seely Place PTA page at and the Junior/Senior High School PTSA page at .
In other new, the high school PTSA is selling fundraising tickets to their very popular Lord and Taylor shopping day coming up on Thursday, November 10th. Tickets only cost $5 each and all proceeds benefit the PTSA. Tickets can be ordered online at Perhaps the most exciting PTA fundraising event this fall is the Harlem Wizards return to Edgemont to take on Edgemont teachers from all three schools in a fun filled basketball game where anything goes. The game has been set for Sunday, November 6th at 6:30 pm (doors open at 5:30pm) in the high school gym. Premium seats: (1st 3 rows) are going fast for $25 in advance or $30 at the door and General Admission seats are $15 in advance or $20 at the door. For tickets, visit the PTA website at . Also at the high school, talented students performed in the fall drama, Twelve Angry Men…and Women on Friday, October 28th. The second show, originally scheduled for Saturday night was postponed until Tuesday night due to the unexpected October snowstorm that caused widespread power outages. The jurors "deliberated” for five weeks and put on two outstanding shows. Rumor has it that elaborate plans are already underway for the spring musical in March. Stay tuned for more details!
Later in November, the joint PTA/PTSA Partnership for Learning Differences committee will welcome back Dr. Joel Haber for an encore
The PTA Parent/Child Book Club has their first book group of the year scheduled for 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders on Thursday, November 17th. Parents and kids enjoy reading the book together at home and then gather with other families in small, informal discussion groups. The club will meet at 7:15pm at Greenville. These are this session's books: 2nd grade: The King’s Equal, by Katherine Paterson, 3rd grade: The Trouble with Chickens, by Doreen Cronin, and 4th grade: The Library Card, by Jerry Spinelli. The club will meet again in the winter and the fall. In other book news, the Seely and Greenville PTA’s recently held their annual New Book Fair, and is planning their Used Book Fair in the spring.
High School seniors will take a break from school and college applications when they attend the two-day Senior Forum at the end of November. They will spend the first day on Tuesday, November 22nd at Rocking Horse Ranch upstate and the next day at Chelsea Piers in the city enjoying what is already proving to be a great year.
(Pictured at top: Twelve Angry Men ...and Women at EHS)