Forum Explores the Use of GenAI in the Scarsdale Schools

AIParenting in the digital age can be overwhelming to say the least, and parents often find themselves wading through a sea of uncertainty searching for guidance and answers to dozens of complex questions. Some questions a parent might struggle with include:

How much screen time should I allow?

How can I put parental controls on my child’s device?

How old should my child be before I let them have access to social media?

Should I allow my child to use AI to better understand their homework?

Since so much of this technology is new or rapidly changing, it can be difficult for parents to find concrete answers or to try to create norms in their families and communities. In an effort to help parents navigate this new and ever-evolving terrain, the Scarsdale PTC has partnered with District administrators and faculty to offer a series of Family Forum meetings which explore a wide array of technology related topics. The meetings, hosted by the PTC Technology Committee, also aim to create a community for parents and educators so that they can “navigate the digital world and build stronger connections together.”

According to Jeannie Crowley, Director of Technology for the Scarsdale School District, the committee held their pilot Family Forum meeting in May of 2024 and have since run 6 additional meetings on topics ranging from family media plans, parental controls for iPads, the impact of cell phones on learning, and empowering parents to manage devices at home.

Crowley further explained, “Attendees look forward to participating and connecting with other families to share experiences, and opportunities to learn from guest speakers (and each other) about pressing technology topics in their lives. Many parents share that they feel alone or isolated in their challenges with technology, and the Family Forum is an opportunity to build community around technology topics that are top of mind for families.”

At their most recent Family Forum held on Friday January, 31st, SHS English teacher Stephen Mounkhall and SHS Instructional Technology Chair, Meredith Dutra (co-facilitators of the SHS AI Inquiry Group) led a dynamic session on Generative AI (GenAI) where they explored GenAI, how it's impacting classrooms, and how SHS is responding to this new technology. Attendees learned about teaching values, heard how students are thinking about the use of AI, and shared their own thoughts in an open family discussion.

During the meeting, it became clear that the District is exploring AI thoughtfully and with careful consideration. After giving a brief explanation and history of GenAI, Mounkhall and Dutra laid bare some of the questions faculty and administrators are exploring…namely, “How do we best support our students?” Included in this inquiry, the faculty is exploring how they can teach students to use AI as a tool and to be prepared for the world beyond high school, while at the same time imparting upon their students the importance of learning to read, write, interpret, and generate ideas on their own. In addition to encouraging their students to practice using resources and patience before turning to GenAI, SHS faculty also tries to teach students about the privacy and environmental concerns that GenAI can pose.

For those that missed this informative meeting, you can catch the PTC Technology Committee’s next Family Forum on February 24th. At this meeting Ms. Iorio, Learning Specialist at Greenacres School, will share tips, strategies, and dispositions for developing Digital Executive Functioning skills in children. According to their webpage, “This session will explore how to effectively support children's growth in these essential skills both in the classroom and at home. This is an excellent opportunity for educators and parents alike to enhance their understanding of digital executive functioning and implement supportive practices to help children thrive in our increasingly digital world.”

For more information about this upcoming session or the special viewing of the film Screenagers in April check out the Scarsdale Family Forum at