This just in from the Scarsdale Police: at 2:10 in the afternoon on Thursday November 11, a masked gunman entered a home at 315 Heathcote Road in Scarsdale. Since there were no signs of a forced entry, police believe the perpetrator or perpetrators came in through an unlocked door.
On the second floor of the house, the gunman encountered a 41 year-old housekeeper, forced her to the ground and bound her hands behind her back with duct tape. They taped her ankles together, partially covered her mouth with tape and pushed her into a second floor bathroom. After the intruder left the house, the woman was able to loosen the tape and free herself. She reached for her cell phone and called the homeowners who called the police. Though the victim was not hurt she was extremely distraught.
The second and third floors of the home were heavily tossed but nothing has been reported missing. From the report, Scarsdale detectives believe that the house was targeted, as most burglars prefer not to encounter people and flee if residents are home. This does not appear to be a standard home burglary nor is it believed to be connected with the other home burglaries that have recently occurrred in town.
Todd Wolleman, a neighbor said, “It’s very disturbing that this type of incident would happen in Scarsdale. This is highly unusual – we’re not used to this type of thing happening in broad daylight. It’s too early to jump to any conclusions about what happened so I will reserve judgment until I learn more.”
Police are asking neighbors to report any suspicious activity in the area and hope that anyone who saw anyone near the house on Thursday afternoon will call 722-1200. The Westchester County Police came to the scene to assist in locating the physical evidence and Scarsdale Police distributed flyers in the vicinity of the home asking for information.