Break-in: A Gaylor Road home was entered on the night of February 15 when the residents were out. It appeared that thieves entered via a dining room window and left through a door in the basement. Though the family has not compiled a complete list of missing items, they did report that a diamond ring, a camera, an iPad, a computer and coins were missing.
Pedestrian Struck: A 5 year-old girl, crossing Popham Road at the intersection of Chase Road was hit by a car driven by an Irvington woman just before 5 pm on February 17. The girl was crossing the street in front of the bridge – heading south, when the driver made a right turn from Chase onto Popham and struck her. The girl’s condition was not reported.
Identity Theft: An Oak Way woman was billed for $2,448.12 from Hewlett Packard for goods she neither ordered nor received. She received a Fedex slip on 2/2 instructing her to sign for a package and did so. Though she never received the Fedex package she was told that two 13-pound boxes were delivered to her home on 2/6 and left on the porch. The billing was done through “Bill Me Later.”
A Walworth Avenue woman who is the treasurer for a non-profit organization reported that two fraudulent checks, each for $2,500 were cashed at a Chase Bank in Illinois. The two checks bore her signature and may have been fraudulent replicas of previous checks.
Theft at IHM: A basketball referee who was working at IHM had $200 in cash, his iPhone and radio stolen from a room at the school during a game on February 11
Car Break-in: An Acura, that belongs to a Connecticut woman was vandalized while it was parked at Hoff Barthelson on the evening of 2/16. When the owner returned to the car at 6:30 pm, she found that the driver’s side window was smashed and her iPhone and checks were stolen.
Arrest: Lamon Terrell Thigpen, age 26 of White Plains was arrested on the night of 2/17 due to an outstanding bench warrant. He was arrested in the Bronx on 2/16 and police found that there was an outstanding warrant for him in Scarsdale dating back to 4/6/11. He was arraigned by Judge Galloway and released on $500 bail.
Locked Out: A grandmother locked herself out of a Wayside Lane home on the morning of 2/15, leaving her 1 year-old granddaughter alone inside. Police broke a window to get into the house and found that the child was fine.
Found: A set of BMW keys were found at the intersection of Mamaroneck and Garden Roads on the afternoon of 2/18. The set included a BMW keyless remote and two keys. The set has been turned over to the Scarsdale police.Fire at the Library? We received a call on Tuesday afternoon about fire trucks on Brewster Road spraying a geyser of water toward theScarsdale Library. Was the building on fire? Fearing the worst, we rushed to the pond, camera in hand and found a line-up of Scarsdale trucks and a huge spray of water on the pond. But at first glance, everything at the library looked fine. Turns out the firemen were conducting a training drill with a new recruit to the force, and learning how to use the equipment. Check out these photos of the waterfall!
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