Rural Drive residents have spotted this coyote in their yard several times.
Arrest: Police stopped a 2012 Subaru driven by Kevin R Caceda-Ipanaque, age 23, on the Post Road at 1:50 am on 7-29 after a license plate scanner revealed a suspended registration. The driver did not have his license with him and a computer check revealed that his license was revoked with 11 suspensions, eight on just three dates. Caceda was arrested and taken to police headquarters. He was released on $200 cash bail posted by his friend who was in the car at the time. The car was impounded and towed. Caceda was arrested for driving without a license, with a suspended registration and without insurance.
Margaret Fellegara, age 83 of Bell Road passed away on July 29. Her son-in-law reported that Fellegara was found unresponsive by a friend of the family at 1:05 in the afternoon
A Madison Road home was burglarized on the night of July 24 while the homeowner and his son slept upstairs. The man said that he left his wallet in the kitchen and the cat in the second floor bedroom. When he woke up at 7 am the next morning papers from his wallet were on the floor and the cat was outside. $200 was missing from his wallet. The son had walked the dog the night before and returned through a sliding door at the back of the house. He could not confirm whether or not he locked the door when he came home.
Police responded to a burglar alarm on Church Lane about 4:50 on July 25 but they saw no signs of criminal activity. However at 7:50 pm the resident of the house called to say that a burglary had occurred and jewelry and nick knacks were missing. Among the missing items was a diamond ring. Police believe the home was entered through a second story bathroom window and that the perpetrator was removing the jewelry when the burglar alarm went off, causing them to leave out of the same window.
A 77 year old Mamaroneck Road woman reported that someone attempted to pry her safe open and items were stolen between 7/27 and 7/29/18.
Stolen Car
A Bronx woman reported that her car was stolen from the garage at 7 Popham Road. She parked it there at 9 pm on 7/24 and left the keys inside in case the garage needed to move the car. When she returned at 10 pm on 7/25 the car was gone. Video surveillance shows that the car was driven out of the garage, going out the entrance the wrong way, and turning left onto Popham Road.
Broken Car Window
On 7/26 a Heathcote Road man reported that his car window was broken sometime on July 25. He did not know how it was broken and did not see anything suspicious.
Found Money
A man who did not wish to be identified found $7.00 in cash at the intersection of Chase Road and Christie Place during the sidewalk sale on Thursday 7/26 at 2:30 pm. He turned the money over to police.
Someone turned in a wallet that he found in front of 7 Eleven on Central Avenue to police at 8:50 am on 7/27. Police contacted the owner of the wallet who came to headquarters to pick it up.
Identity Thefts
On 7/23, a Huntington Avenue woman reported that her debit card had been used without her permission between 7/13 and 7/18 and there were $465 in charges. She contacted Chase Bank to let them know.
An Eton Road man came to the police station on the evening of July 26 to report that he received a credit card from Sterling Family of Jewelers for which he never applied and another letter stating that charges had been made on the card.
Downed Trees and Wires
A Potter Road family called police at 11:24 pm on July 24 when a large tree fell on the house, collapsing the roof over the second floor living room and sending the family into the basement. Police arrived and were able to get into the house through a neighbors backyard. They spoke to the owner who said no one was injured. SFD advised the residents to evacuate and they were sent by taxi to a hotel. Police observed that the tree had come from a neighbors backyard and the neighbor was on the scene.
Police stood by while Con Edison shut off the gas and electricity to the house. As trees were blocking the front and garage doors, police had to exit through a sliding glass door and were unable to lock it. They agreed to patrol the home.
A large tree fell on the garage of a home at 211 Mamaroneck Road at 4:10 pm on July 27. The Scarsdale Fire and Building Departments were called and determined that it was safe for the family to remain in the home.
A large tree limb fell on power lines on Farley Road at 2:20 am on July 28 and knocked out the power. The road was taped off, Con Edison arrived and promised to remove the limb and restore power in a few hours.
Downed wires were reported on Saxon Woods Road at 4:43 pm on July 23. The utility companies were notified. At 7:55 pm, a driver called police to say that the road closure at Saxon Wood and Boulder Brook Road was not visible enough. Police requested that Con Ed place signage on the road to alert motorists to the upcoming closure.
At 6:14 am on 7/24 the highway department reported a downed tree blocking Saxon Woods Road. He asked police to close the road.
At 7:12 am on 7/23 a caller reported a downed tree branch blocking Hampton Road at Butler Road. The Highway Department was notified.
A tree fell and blocked the Heathcote Bypass at 7:17 am on July 25.
A tree fell on Putnam Road at 9:58 pm on July 25 and partially blocked the road.
At 11:30 pm on 7/26 a tree fell on power lines on Richbell Road and put out power for a portion of the Village Con Ed responded and power was restored by 12:22 pm.
At 6:02 am on 7/28 another large tree feel across Richbell Road and the road was closed and Con Edison was notified.
A large branch broke off a tree and fell across Garden Road at 2:17 pm on July 29. The branch was lying on utility wires and caused an outage in several homes. Con Ed and the Highway Department were notified.
Golfer Hit
SVAC was called to Sunningdale Country Club at 3:31 pm on July 24 to assist a golfer who was struck in the face by a golf ball. The golfer was taken to White Plains Hospital and no further information was provided.
Man Asleep in Van
Police received a report about a man asleep in his van on Brewster Road at 8:21 on July 24. Police spoke to the man who said he works for Precision Pipeline Solutions, a contractor for Con Edison, who detects gas leaks from underground pipes. He had just pulled over before starting his route for the day.
Emergency workers responded to a report of an unconscious person at the Golden Horseshoe Shopping Center at 7:39 pm on July 23.
At 7:39 pm on July 23 police received a complaint about firecrackers being set off on Mayflower Road. They went to investigate by found nothing.
Loose Dogs
At 8:42 am on Sunday July 24 police received a call about a small brown and black dog running loose on Crane Road. Police checked but did not find the dog. At 9:52 am police received another call about a brown/black dog on Heathcote Road but again could not find the dog.
A loose 35 lb. dog with a collar was reported at Cushman and Mamaroneck Road at 8:22 am on 7/27. Police did not find the dog.
A Normandy Lane woman called about a coyote in her backyard at 4:15 pm on 7/26. Police checked the yard but did not see the coyote.
At 6:44 pm on 7/26, a Griffen Road resident also reported a coyote in her yard.
Scarsdale firefighters were called to the 7-Eleven store on Scarsdale Avenue at 5:33 pm on 7/25 when heavy smoke was observed coming from the exhaust pipe of a large generator that is used to power the store. The fire department shut down the generator.
Rude Passenger
Scarsdale Police met a northbound train at 6:54 pm on July 25 to assist with a disorderly passenger who did not have a ticket and refused to provide her address so that the conductor could mail her a bill. Police assisted and the woman cooperated and received a bill for the ride.
Ball on the Track
Police received a complaint that the ball from a soccer game on the field was travelling onto the track at 7:37 pm on July 27. Police went to the track and saw four teens playing soccer on the field but no one was using the track.
Gas Leak
Police detected a strong odor of gas at 10A Heathcote Road at 2:53 am on July 26. A positive reading detected gas and Con Edison came to the location.
911 Call
Police received a 911 call from an apartment on Popham Road at 7:51 am on July 26. They called back but no one answered. They then went to the apartment building and knocked on the door but got no response. The doorman said the resident had not been feeling well and contacted the resident’s friend in the building who was also unable to reach him. At this point, the super let the police into the apartment but the man was not there. The friend said the man might be having breakfast at Lange’s, and ultimately the police found him there.
Marital Dispute
A Leatherstocking Lane man complained about a verbal dispute with his wife at 10 pm on 7/26. The two are currently in the process of getting divorced. The man complained that that the disagreement is over household finances and college tuition. Police interviewed the man and the wife and determined that the argument was minor and there were not threats or physical contact. The couple thanked police for their assistance.
Code Summons
Police received a complaint about a generator running at 125 Cushman Road after the permitted hours at 9:14 pm on 7/27. The department had received numerous complaints about the generator and sent the homeowner a summons for violating Village Code.
A 16 year-old driver of a 2011 Acura was hit by a 2003 BMW on Walworth Avenue at 4:30 on July 24. The young man had slowed down to allow the car in front of him to park, when the driver of the BMW attempted to go around him on the driver’s side.
A 2015 Ford collided with a 2010 Honda at the intersection of Griffen Road and Grand Park Avenue on Wednesday July 25 at noon. No injuries were reported.
A three car accident occurred at 5:48 pm on July 26 at East Parkway at Popham Road when two cars were stopped at a red light on Popham Road and a third car struck the second car which then ran into the first one. No injuries were reported.
The driver of a 2016 Audi that was parked in the Golden Horseshoe Shopping Center backed into a postal service vehicle that was passing behind him when he was exiting the parking spot. The accident occurred at 5:39 pm on 7/26 and no one was injured.
A collision occurred between a 2005 Volvo and a 2008 Honda at the intersection of Ewart and Brambach Road on the morning of July 26.
A 2016 Mercedes collided with a 2017 Mercedes at the intersection of Catherine and Mamaroneck Roads around 5 pm on July 27.
The driver of a 2011 Toyota rear ended a SUV when the SUV stopped suddenly on Griffen Avenue at 3 pm on July 27. The driver of the SUV left the scene of the accident prior to the arrival of the police.
A Hartsdale woman driving a 2018 Kia collided with a Stamford woman on the Post Road at Rugby Lane on Friday July 27 at 9 am.
A young woman came to police headquarters with her parents to say that while driving she sideswiped a parked car on Mamaroneck Road around 9:15 am on 7/24. She wasn’t sure what to do and drove to work and called her parents. Her parents brought her to the scene of the accident but the sideswiped car was no longer there. They came to police to report it. Police contacted the owner of the parked car who did not want to pursue it.This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.