Pedestrians and Cyclists Hit and a Horse on the Run

Burglary Attempts: Shorty after 8 pm on 7/27 a Palmer Road man got a call from his alarm company to say that his home alarm had been activated. He returned home and found that the basement door had been forced open and the doorframe was broken. However, everything in the house was in order so police suspect that the sounding of the alarm scared off the vandals.

Minutes later, a 77 year-old Penn Road woman heard a loud sound in her home and went downstairs to investigate, where she saw two men on her porch trying to get into her house through the back door. She screamed and the men ran into a car that was parked and running on Penn Road. She was unable to provide a description of the men or the car but police canvassed the area to look for suspects.

Pedestrians Hit:
A Scarsdale woman backed her car into a pedestrian at the De Cicco’s parking lot on the afternoon of 7/30. The victim was a New Rochelle man who initially felt no pain and did not want to report the incident to the police. However, at 6 pm he went to Sound Shore Hospital in New Rochelle as he felt pain in his left hip and back. When he got home he reported the incident to the police who called in the driver to complete an accident report.

A pedestrian, rushing to make a train in Scarsdale, ran into a car on Popham Road on 7/29. She entered the Popham Road crosswalk when the “do not walk” signal was on. The passenger side window of the car was damaged but the pedestrian refused medical attention.

At 8 pm on 7/26 Scarsdale Police received a report from Mamaroneck Police of a possible auto accident involving a pedestrian on Weaver Street in front of the Quaker Ridge School. The alleged victim was an elderly man who was jogging on Weaver Street when he was struck in the arm by a black SUV. Police searched the area and the Hutch, and called area hospitals, but were unable to find the victim or a car that matched the description.

Bikers Hit: An Austin man, driving north on Post Road at 9 pm on Monday 7/26 hit two bicyclists who were also riding north on the Post Road. The driver hit both bikes from behind and the car’s windshield and bumper were damaged. The cyclists were taken to White Plains hospital by SVAC and their condition was not reported.

Threats: A Fox Meadow man reported the receipt of text messages from a White Plains man from whom he has an order of protection. In one of the messages, the texter asked to meet the Fox Meadow man at an apartment in White Plains and said that he knew “where to find him and his family” if he did not show up. The White Plains man has a history of assault and there are pending charges against him. The Scarsdale man also reported that he had an altercation with the White Plains man a few days earlier but he did not wish to press charges. He did ask for extra patrol around his house.

Out of Control: Alicia Boyce of Lindenhurst came to Scarsdale Village Court on Wednesday morning to answer charges of driving under the influence of drugs. She became irate and refused to give Judge Galloway her new address. He decided that she would need to post bail of $250.00. However, when she was unable to come up with the money, she was sent to Westchester County Jail.

Horse on the Loose
: A horse got out of Boulder Brook Stables and was seen running down Mamaroneck Road toward Mamaroneck on Saturday morning 7/31. By the time police arrived, the horse had been caught and put back in the stable.

A stray cat was found in the alley behind Zachys on East Parkway on 7/31. When police were unable to catch it, they called the New Rochelle Humane Society and their representative was able to get the cat into an animal trap. The cat was transported to the New Rochelle Humane Society.

Theft: A Coralyn Road woman reported that her car had been entered and several items were stolen including her GPS device, money, a season’s parking pass to the Bronx Zoo and her iPhone charger. She was not sure when the theft occurred but reported the incident on 7/30.

Fraud: A New Rochelle man went to Wilson Jewelers on 7/31 to return a pearl necklace that he had purchased on July 13th. The man had purchased a Mikimoto pearl necklace for $2,469. However when Mr. Wilson looked at the necklace he realized that this was not the same pearl necklace the man had bought and Wilson refused to take it back. The customer insisted that a salesperson had swapped the necklaces but Mr. Wilson denied it. The customer then left the store.

Damage: Graffiti was painted on three park benches at the Greenacres School. Words were written in both French and Spanish and the damage was discovered on 7/29.

The wooden viewing stand and press box attached to the bleachers at Scarsdale High School was reported to be damaged sometime between 7/23-7/26. A school employee found displaced wood and broken beer bottles on the scene on the night of 7/26.

Penn Boulevard homeowner noticed that the glass panel on their side storm door was broken on Thursday July 29th. Police determined that there had been no attempted burglary and the cause of the damage is not known.

Help: A 104 year-old woman called police and told them that her son was holding her in the house against her will. Police went to the house and spoke to the woman who said her son would not allow her to call her friends. The son told police that the woman hallucinates and police observed that he was doing a good job taking care of his Mom. Police also advised social services of the situation.

Police were called on the night of 7/27 to help a man with his 50 year-old son, who needed “crisis intervention.” The son had a history of mental illness and was taken to the White Pains Hospital Emergency Room for care.

A Greenacres woman called police at 3 am on 8/1 because there was a man lying in the road in front of her house. Police found a drunk local teen in the street who did not say where he had been drinking. They took the boy home and turned him over to his mother.

A River Road woman found trash bags on her lawn on 7/27. Police assisted the elderly woman and moved the bags to an area where they would be picked up by Scarsdale sanitation.

Lost: A 20 year-old Heathcote girl misplaced her wallet at Starbucks in Scarsdale around 4 pm on August 1st. Later that night she realized her wallet was missing and called her credit card companies to cancel her accounts. By then one of the cards had already been used to purchase gas.

Guilia Flynn of Thornwood lost her Gucci wallet somewhere around DeCicco’s in Scarsdale on 7/29. Cash, a driver’s license, an Italian passport, a green card a debit card and an insurance card were all in the wallet. She was advised to cancel her credit cards and contact the Italian consulate in New York.

Identity Theft: A Secor Road woman found that someone had opened credit cards in her name at both Macy’s and J.C. Penney’s. In late May, $927.77 was charged on the Macy’s card in North Carolina and in June, $1,051.67 was charged to the Penney’s car, also in N.C.

A Bradford Road found that four checks, valued at almost $10,000 had been cashed from her Chase Bank Checking account. The checks were signed in her name with a false signature. She was not aware how anyone had gotten access to her checks.

A Black Birch Road man found that someone had used his Chase Checking account and a false id to deposit and withdraw funds from his account on July 26th at a branch in Florham Park, New Jersey.

Police removed a sign for “Junkluggers” that was posted on Post Road. A summons was issued to the company for violating Village code.

A cab owned by Central Taxi was left with both the driver’s side and passenger side doors open in the parking lot across from the Scarsdale Congregational Church on Sunday night. Police contacted Central Taxi who said that the driver remembered leaving the doors open and asked the police to close the car doors.

The Highway Department removed a bike rack from East Parkway in Scarsdale and turned three bikes they found there over to the police. If your bike was locked on the rack, get in touch with the police to claim your wheels.