Santa and his elves must be very busy this week fulfilling gift requests. The Scarsdale Recreation Department’s call for “Letters to Santa” yielded 400 letters. Recreation Supervisor Kevin Blanden explained that the department read and mailed responses to 300 of these letters, where a return address was supplied. Given that the deadline for the letters was December 11 and we met Blanden on December 18, that’s impressive!
The letters included drawings, colorful ink, stickers and glitter and a wonderful display of creativity and talent. The writers were not limited to Scarsdale residents, and came from far and wide, including the Bronx, Yonkers and Beford.
What did the kids request –- and why did they think they were worthy?
Many of the writers reported that they had been good, in fact very, very good. One even listed her accomplishments, including not getting into fights every day with her sister, improving her handwriting, reading thicker book and even improving her executive function!”
Many of the kids asked after Mrs. Clause and the elves and offered to “leave some milk and cookies for Santa and “carets” for the “raindeers.” One child asked Santa to leave a photo of him and Mrs. Clause on his bed.
Another asked, “Can you get something for my dog?” One child even asked for a golden retriever.
Before a long list of requests, one wrote, “Please, Please, Please.”
One writer went beyond asking for gifts for herself and outlined what she planned to give to her parents, sister and grandparents, who were arriving for 16 days. She finished with, “I lov Christmas Day.”
What were some of the gift requests? Here is a list of some popular items, in no particular order:
A baby brother
Stuffed penguin
Stuffed shark
A “unikorn” pillow
Elsa dolls
A doll with a pretty pink dress
Barbie and Barbie Dream House
Lego of all kinds
Pokemon cards
Play station 5
Nintendo Switch with Fortnight
Lots of LED lights
An Apple watch
a race track
ear buds
3D pen
Gizzmo watch
A hover board
A vending machine
Hess truck
Water bottle
A bean bag chair
A microscope kit
Toy snake
Kitten sticker book
A kitchen and food
Ulta mini brands
Swifty Pack
Ultimate make-up kit
Happy shopping everyone and merry, merry to the children of Scarsdale.