Scarsdale PBA Makes $45,000 Donation


Don Zacharia, Chairman of Zachys Wine & Liquor, Betty Crea, Executive Director of Navigating the Spectrum, Tara Lee, JDRF NYC Development Manager, Cheryl and David Bunzel of JDRF, and Ronnie Arafieg of Scarsdale Policeman's Benevolent Association.

The Scarsdale Policeman's Benevolent Association presented two checks, each for $22,500 to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and Navigating the Spectrum (Autism Support) on Wednesday, January 7 at Zachys Wine & Liquor in Scarsdale. The amount which totals $45,000 was raised at the 2014 Scarsdale PBA Golf Classic. This year's Golf Classic will be held October 19, 2015 at Quaker Ridge Golf Club. In attendance: Don Zacharia, Chairman of Zachys Wine & Liquor, Cheryl and David Bunzel of JDRF, Tara Lee, JDRF NYC Development Manager, Betty Crea, Executive Director of Navigating the Spectrum, and Ronnie Arafieg of Scarsdale Policeman's Benevolent Association.