Comedy Night at the Center@862

comedynightLocal storyteller and former Scarsdale resident Sandi Marx will perform on Saturday night April 18 in an evening of comedy at the Center @ 862 at 862 Scarsdale Avenue at 8 pm.

The line-up of featured storytellers includes:

Cory Kahaney - Well-loved comedian who has appeared on HBO, Comedy Central, Letterman, the View, Last Coming Standing, etc., --and an amazing storyteller

Sandi Marx - Multiple Moth StorySlam winner and storyteller who performs all over the NYC area and had us in stitches at our Halloween show

Jim Keyes - Favorite Hudson Valley Musician, Storyteller, and Pros(e) of Pie "regular"

Susan Landon - Multiple Pie-Contest Winner AND a favorite Pros(e) of Pie storyteller

The evening will be emceed by Ivy Eisenberg with Zak Shusterman hosting and serving pies!

Five-minute open mic spots are available along with anonymous participation slips. (Come to the show to find out what this is), and of course YUMMY PIE!


Sandi Marx

Purchase tickets here: