And they’re off! Not to the races, but back to school! Scarsdale parents couldn’t have asked for a more gorgeous September day to take all of those “First Day of School” photos! The sun was shining and the air was buzzing with excitement as students, faculty, and staff said goodbye to summer and arrived for the first day of the 2024-2025 school year.
At Scarsdale High School, many senior students met in the “Senior Parking Lot” wearing the customary, first day of school, all-black outfits and greeted each other with big smiles and lots of hugs. Also keeping with SHS tradition, seniors pulled into the lot with painted cars showcasing not only their excitement for their senior year, but some pretty amazing artwork too!
Whether it was seniors with their painted cars or freshmen starting their first day at SHS, students were happily filing into the high school and seemed eager to start a new year. But the first day excitement wasn’t reserved just for students! Administrators, teachers, and staff were all brimming with enthusiasm as they greeted students with warm welcomes. As SHS Principal Ken Bonamo wrote in his Welcome Back Letter to parents:
“The beginning of each school year always holds special promise. Our school has a national reputation for advancing exceptional achievement within a context of supportive and strong connections between staff and students. As we build on those strengths, I invite you to join us for another memorable year at Scarsdale High School. Together, we sustain a tradition of which we can all be proud.”
And in a letter to parents he sent at the end of August, Superintendent Dr. Drew Patrick wrote,
“Happy New Year! On behalf of the faculty and staff of the Scarsdale Public Schools, I would like to formally welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. After a busy summer of learning, planning, and preparing, we are incredibly excited to open our doors to all students on Tuesday, September 3.”
And here are a few of the younger ones too!
Do you have photos from the first day of school? Email them to [email protected] and we will add them to the photo galleries.
Photos and text by Wendy MacMillan