School Budget and School Board Election Tuesday May 15

votebuttonAll eyes will be on the Scarsdale Middle School on Tuesday May 15, when voters will elect two members of the Scarsdale School Board in another contested election.

This year, the ballot will include Woody Crouch and Alison Singer, the two candidates selected by the Scarsdale School Board Nominating Committee (SBNC), as well as Pam Fuehrer, who served one three-year term and is running as an independent candidate. Fuehrer says she was surprised to learn that the SBNC had not re-nominated her, which is customary, and opted to run for a second term independently. She is running against Woody Crouch for one seat and Singer is running unopposed.

Proponents for both Fuehrer and the SBNC candidates have been campaigning, shaking hands, sending emails and postcards and will undoubtedly draw a larger than normal number of voters to the polls.

Also on the ballot is the proposed $157,849,407 Scarsdale School budget, which is $4.15 mm greater than last year, or a 2.71% increase. The budget will mean a tax increase of 2.74% for Scarsdale taxpayers.

The budget includes $1.9 million to replace the existing turf field at the high school as well as $250,000 for a director of security and security enhancements at district schools.

The proposed budget was approved by the Scarsdale School Board by a vote of 6-1.

Voting will take place at the Scarsdale Middle School from 7 am to 9 pm. Electronic voting machines will be used and write-in votes will be permitted. The results will be announced after the polls close Tuesday night at 9 pm.

Watch for the counts and remember to vote on Tuesday.