Sunday, Mar 09th

Woman Drives Car into DeCicco's in Scarsdale and More from the Scarsdale Police

ctown1On a sultry Sunday afternoon around 4:30 pm on July 15, employees and shoppers at DeCicco's in Scarsdale Village jumped when they heard a loud bang and the sound of breaking glass. A witness reported that she was standing near the front cash registers and thought a bomb had hit the building. Suddenly she smelled vinegar and realized that a car had driven into DeCicco’s front plate glass window on Spencer Place. The nose of the car entered the store upsetting shelves of vinegar and salad dressing.

After penetrating the store, the car rolled back on the sidewalk.

Store employees scrambled to see what had happened and found that a 64-year-old woman had driven a 2004 Toyota ctown2up onto the sidewalk between two parking meters. Beatrice Kahn, a 97-year-old of Garth Road, was a passenger in the car. Fortunately no one was on the sidewalk at the time. Police and firefighters arrived to assess the damage and secure the area. Though there was significant damage to the building it appeared stable so the area was taped off, and the glass and broken bottles were swept up.

The elderly woman was upset and asked to be taken to the hospital so an ambulance was called. The damaged car was towed away. On Monday morning, the area remained taped off and only one door of the store was operating.

Deer struck twice: An 80-year-old Carman Road man backed his car out of his driveway at 3 pm on July 10th, traveled across the street, over the curbstone and onto the lawn of another home -- and then collided with a 2005 Honda that was parked there. The man said “he was unable to step on the brake” before hitting the other car.

A woman from Inwood was driving south on Secor Road at 11:45 pm on July 10th when her 2006 Jeep struck a deer. After the deer was hit, it ran into the northbound lane of Secor Road where it was struck again by a White Plains man driving a 2007 mini cooper. There were no injuries to the people involved.

Burglary on Rock Creek Lane: At 5:30 pm on July 12 a Rock Creek Lane man reported a burglary at his home. The house was only unoccupied for a short time between 4:40 and 5:15 pm, but that was enough to permit thieves to enter the house through an unlocked window in the family room. Several bedrooms were ransacked and much was stolen including:

  • 1 50-inch flat panel TV
  • Two laptop computers
  • More than $10,000 in jewelry

The thieves found the keys to a 2001 Toyota Camry in an upstairs closet and stole the car as well.

Arrest: Jonathan Faison, age 25 of Teaneck New Jersey, surrendered to Scarsdale Police on July 10th. He was wanted for larceny and criminal possession of a stolen credit card. On June 1, while working at the Scarsdale Shell Station he took a credit card that had been left on top of one of the pumps. He used it to fill his car with $30 in gas, to buy beer in a Yonkers grocery on June 3rd. and cigars and Metro Cards in Manhattan. All told he charged $269 to the card which belonged to a Webster Road man, before he got rid of it. Police charged him with grand larceny and criminal possession of a stolen card and gave him a court date of July 11.

Snoops: The six-year-old son of a Greenacres Avenue woman found a digital voice recorder under the front passenger seat of her 2011 Mini Cooper. The recorder did not belong to the woman or either of her two sons.

Damage: While driving on Boulevard around noon on July 9th, the passenger side window of a 2004 Lexus was hit by a rock and broke. The rock came from a lawnmower that was in use on Hyatt Field. The car belongs to a woman from Tuckahoe who is tying to resolve the issue with Suburban Maintenance and Landscaping, the company that was mowing at the time.

There were several car break-ins and multiple incidents of vandalism to vehicles last week:

Two residents of Tunstall Road reported that their cars were broken into overnight on 7/12-7/13. At one home, an iPod and $5 in change were taken from the car and from the other, a Magellan Navigator, valued at $250 was missing.

Overnight on 7/8 – 7/9 the tail light of a Honda Odyssey was broken by a rock. The driver’s side mirror of a Honda parked on Greenacres Avenue was also damaged by a rock that same night.

Overnight on 7/9 – 7/10 two cars parked at a Cayuga Road home were damaged. The rear window of a 2003 Ford Explorer was broken. The damage appeared to be done by vandals who shattered it by applying pressure to the window. The rear driver’s side window of a 2009 Toyota Corolla parked in front of the house was also broken.

Also that night on Rock Creek Lane, the driver’s side window of a 1996 Saab was shattered and the passenger side window of a 2008 Honda was broken. There were dents in the car and it appeared they had been made by a BB gun. On Cayuga Road the rear windshield of a 2011 Honda CRV was shattered.

Vandalism: A driveway lantern on Oneida Road was damaged from 7/9 – 7/10. It appeared to be hit by a rock or a pellet.

Identity Theft: A Canterbury Road woman got repeated calls from Lending Tree about refinancing her mortgage. It turned out that someone had used her husband’s identification to make an online request to refinance.

Scam: A 22-year-old Carthage Road woman almost became the victim of a scam on Craig’s List. She responded to a listing for an apartment in Santa Monica and the person who answered asked for a copy of her driver’s license and the first two month’s rent of $2,900. He said he would send her the key after he received the money but refused to show her the apartment beforehand. She grew suspicious so before sending any money she called the building manager and learned that there was no rental unit with the advertised number. She was also told that only the building’s owners were authorized to rent the units.

On the night of July 9, police responded to a complaint about a woman on Carthage Road who was asking for money “to stay on welfare.” The woman told police she was lost and needed to find a way home.

Animals: Murray Hill Road residents called police on the morning of July 10th when a raccoon was trapped in one of their garbage cans. Police opened the can and the raccoon got out.

Dog found: A woman found a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel with a name tag that said “Tess” at the intersection of Walworth and Greenacres Avenue at 10 am on July 15th. She picked up the dog and drove her to the police station. A half hour later, a Walworth Avenue man called police about his dog and found Tess at the station. He was issued a summons and assessed an impoundment fee.

Dog Poop: Police intervened at 6:30 pm on July 10 to mediate a dispute about dog feces on Sheldrake Road. One man said that his neighbor allows his dog to drop feces on his property but the neighbor denied it. Police advised the feuding residents to get along.

Disputes: Police were also called to a home on Sprague Road when a woman called to say that her soon to be ex-husband was removing property from the house without authorization. However, police reviewed an email from the husband that documented what he was permitted to remove and he appeared to be in compliance with their agreement.

A missing iPhone, that belonged to a Pennsylvania woman, was traced to a Murray Hill Road address. Police accompanied the woman to the house and spoke to the resident who admitted to having the phone and said he had found it at the White Plains Bowling Alley. He returned it to the rightful owner.

Kids: A New Rochelle woman called police at 11:20 on July 13th when her three-year-old son locked himself and his infant brother in the car. The car was parked on Carman Road. Someone from the Heathcote Exxon station arrived and was able to open the car door without damaging it. The children were fine and did not need medical assistance.