Thursday, Mar 20th

What's The Condition of Your Street? Find Out Here

crackedroadWhat is the condition of the Village’s 81 center miles of roadways? According to the Pavement Management Group, (PMG), who was retained by Scarsdale Village to assess the roads, the overall condition of our roadways is FAIR. But the good news is that in comparison to a prior study done in 2017, overall conditions have improved.

How did PMG assess the roads? PMG drives each road segment and takes high definition videos of the road, from beginning to end. According to the report, “This provides for a virtual, high‐definition account of the roadway network, and provides value in a variety of ways such as condition review and network level decision making from the office.”


Using these videos, each roadway is evaluated and rated into one of the following condition categories:


failed condition

The consultants found that in the latest study 29% of the roads were considered excellent, while in 2017, 15% were excellent and in 2008 only 6.5% were excellent. So the report says, “The trend clearly shows that with proper funding coupled with life cycle analysis, the Village is progressing in the right direction.”


Here is a chart of their findings.

The report also includes a chart of every street in Scarsdale and how it is rated. Click here to see the chart and look up the condition of your road.