Thursday, Mar 20th

Return of Greenacres’ Fourth of July Celebration


On July 4th at 9:00 AM, Scarsdale residents gathered at Greenacres Elementary School to celebrate the holiday. Each year, the Greenacres Neighborhood Association organizes and hosts a family-friendly Fourth of July Celebration for the community. This year, more than 150 Greenacres residents gathered on Greenacres Field throughout the day. In the morning, volunteers served an assortment of breakfast foods, including watermelon, bagels, cookies, lemonade, coffee, and more. The number of attendees slowly grew as an array of family-friendly games began. The games played were:

  1. Spoon Race.
  2. 3-Legged Race.
  3. Sack Race.
  4. Foul Shots.
  5. Candy Hunt.

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The winners of each event can be found at the bottom of the article.

Shortly after the games concluded, the Patriotic Program began. The program opened with a color guard presentation by Scout Troop 4 Scarsdale, after which Mayor Justin Arest spoke a few words to congratulate the community on the event's return and honor the holiday.


After the Patriotic Program concluded, the attending children were overjoyed to participate in the famous Greenacres Gallop and the Fire Department’s water display. Although the clouds prevented rainbows from forming, the spray allowed families to cool off after an intense day of old-fashioned fun.

“The Fourth of July is always a great occasion for neighbors to come together, celebrate America, and enjoy the community that we have built within Greenacres,” said Cynthia Crowe, Secretary of the Greenacres Neighborhood Association (GNA) and organizer of this year’s event. “One of the objectives of the GNA is to bring our community together through much anticipated events just like our flagship 4th celebration. We would like to thank all of the members, volunteers, special guests and other attendees for coming out to support this fun event. Greenacres is the place to be, and we truly showcased that today.”  

Event Results:

50 Yard Dash

1st: Narayan Dabral, Aidan Wang, Warren Yang, Luca Streche, Eva Mancheril, Miles Zwerling

2nd: Michah Bloomgarden, Hunya Maroof, Aria Wen, Ned Gittins, Athena Clark, Parvati Dabral, Jack Mongan, Sebastian Crowe

3rd: Samuel Rogan, Monica Rogan, Ayden Ostermiller, Colton Zakierski, Shea Seckular

Foul Shots:

1st: Matt Zoland, Luca Streche, Samuel Grogan

2nd: Dan Moor, Dylan Ostermiller, Luke Tisserant

3rd: Jay Yang, Ayden Ostermiller, Dylan Dubinsky

Potato Sack:

1st: Nico Streche, Luca Streche, Warren Yang, Jack Mongan

2nd: Samuel Rogan, Pavrati Dabral, Aidan Wang, Arthur Griffins

3rd: Hunya Maroof, Owen Dubinsky, Sophie Tisserant, Myles Zwerling, Colton Zakierski

Spoon Race:

1st: Emily Dillon, Jacob Herzog, Parker Simnos, Owen Dubinsky, Maddie Lu, Aidan Wang, Hunya Maroof

2nd: Emily Bryant, Rui Holmes, Sofia Hinder, Olivia Rogan, Eva Mancheril, Olivier Vasil

3rd: Luke Tisserant, Cameron Crowe, Luca Streche, Ben Purcell, Calvin Logue

3 Legged:

1st: Aidan & Sheng Wang, Luca Streche & Owen Dubinsky

2nd: Warren & Jay Yang, Ramon Li & Tingting Tso, Sebastian Crowe & Colton Zakierski

3rd: Mary & Margaret Trenis, Olivia Rogan & Parvati Dabral