Thursday, Mar 20th

Peter Pan at Heathcote Elementary School

PanKarpOver 100 students at Heathcote Elementary School participated in two performances of Peter Pan or The Boy Who Would Not Grow Up on Saturday February 12th. The show was run by KJK Productions who provides staffing, costumes, and scenery to create full-scale performances in the school. Here are some photos of the students, from grades 1-5 who took part in the plays. According to Amanda Karp, Co-chair of the Heathcote Performing Arts Committee, "It was amazing to watch what the kids and KJK productions were able to accomplish in two weeks. It was so much fun to see so many different personalities participate -- and all of them enjoy it. It was great to be a part of it."  Co-chair Vivian Sklar added, "Working with the kids was a lot of fun. We had to deal with weather closings and illness, but the kids really pulled through. In the end, the kids were all proud and happy and really worked together. Of course this type of production is impossible without an impressive group of parent volunteers. I was really impressed how it all came together."

Pictured at Right: Katie Karp, one of the “Peter Pans” singing “I Gotta Crow”


Rebecca Sklar (with a broken wrist) also played the part of a Peter Pan and sang the song Neverland

Rebecca Sklar




Charlotte Moser as Peter Pan
Charlotte Moser as Peter Pan blew fairy dust at Arielle Shulman (tinkebell), Anika Agarwal (wendy) Jack Mintzer (michael) and Nikhil Patel (john)



The Pirate Chorus

The Pirate Chorus



Jennifer Schlur and Zoe Kleinman
Jennifer Schlur and Zoe Kleinman as lost boys



Natives in the song “Ugh A wug”



Natalie Closson and Adeye Jean Baptiste
Natalie Closson (as Peter Pan) and Adeye Jean Baptiste (as Tiger Lily) lead the lost boys




Miles Barrow as Captain Hook leads the pirates

Miles Barrow

Photos courtesy of Jon Thaler - see more at