Thursday, Mar 06th

Scarsdale Resident Exhibits Abstract Oil Paintings in Pelham

krutick1.jpgAn exhibit of the paintings of Scarsdale resident Jill S. Krutick is now on display at The Manor Club, at 1023 Esplanade, in Pelham. Krutick is both a painter and a corporate executive who worked on Wall Street for nearly two decades as an entertainment and leisure analyst before moving to the Warner Music Group where she now runs Investor Relations.

Jill has been passionate about oil painting all her life. She started her art studies by taking inspiration from the masters, including Monet and Van Gogh. Over the past several years, her painting has evolved to abstract works. With a keen eye for color, Jill primarily uses palette knives to add depth and vibrancy to her works. Jill specializes in customizing abstract oil paintings to fit specific color preferences or decorating needs.

Jill is a resident of Scarsdale, married and a mother of two children. Catch the show in Pelham, on krutick2.jpgexhibit now through May 24th and learn more about the artist at her websiste by clicking here: