Postcard from Versailles
- Category: On Our Radar
- Published: Wednesday, 18 July 2012 08:37
Larry Milstein and Caroline Rodman, rising Seniors at Scarsdale High School, went to Paris and London for a week this summer. They thought that keeping a blog about their adventures in both cities would enhance their experience and preserve their memories through their writing and pictures. Here is an entry from their day at Versailles:
Off to Versailles! With all of its intricate frescos, gaudy gold decor, and manicured gardens, it was difficult to decide if Versailles represented the peak of human development or the decay of human rationality. It was a contradiction: indescribably beautiful, yet wildly overdone. To give some historical background, Versailles was the palace that was home to King Louis XIV, XV, and XVI. We learned that nearly everything about royal life was public, from waking up in the morning to even giving birth. So though it may be great to "be the king," the loss of a private life seemed like a little too much to give-up (and this comes from kids writing about their vacation in a blog no less!)
If you have a chance to get away this summer, send Scardale10583 some photos and a few comments on what you saw and learned. We’ll share it with your friends at home and extend your vacation to the community at large. Send photos and text to [email protected].