Friday, Mar 21st

Brooke Effman Marries Joe Epstein

brookeBrooke Effman's passion for animals has led to a career in the veterinary field. Joe Epstein's passion for helping children with challenged abilities has led to a career as a special ed teacher. And their passion for each other has led to a wedding. Theirs.

The bride, daughter of Shelley and Richard Effman of Scarsdale, and the groom, son of Debbie Epstein of Texas and David Epstein of White Plains, were married last Saturday evening (5/18/13) by Rabbi Stephen Klein at the Doral Arrowwood resort in Purchase, NY.

Brooke, a licensed veterinary technician now working for the Hills Science Nutrition Division of Colgate-Palmolive and a graduate of Mercy College, met Joe, a teacher of autistic children at the Learning Spring School in Manhattan, at a New Year's Eve party back in 2009. He was in from Hawaii, she was in from an emergency operation on a neighborhood golden retriever...and they were in for the adventure of their lives!

The couple, who reside in White Plains with their 3 cats and Porterhouse-a mixed breed of questionable heritage-exchanged brookeandjoevows before 200+ of their closest friends and relatives. In keeping with the 21st century lifestyle the couple practice, Brooke had just flown back from a business trip late Thursday night before the wedding, and left on another business trip Tuesday following the nuptials. They are planning a honeymoon in August.

The bride's mom, a global managing partner at Young and Rubicam Advertising, commented, "It simply doesn't get any better than this." And no one could possibly disagree!