Thursday, Mar 20th

From the Library: Author Talk on Bullying and Free Magazines Available Via Zinio

zinioDownloadable Magazines Now Available: A digital newsstand with magazines of interest for every member of the family is now available from the Scarsdale Public Library. Zinio, which proclaims itself as the world's largest newsstand, offers scores of digital publications that can be downloaded to most internet-enabled devices inside or outside the library. Zinio for Libraries was awarded Best New Database of 2012 by Library Journal.

Titles include: Newsweek, The New York Review of Books,, Rolling Stone, Owl (for kids), Runner's World, House Beautiful, The Economist, Popular Science and many more covering lifestyle, public affairs, sports, hobbies and health issues.

"Over the past several years, there has been an increase in our magazine circulation," said Elizabeth Bermel, library director. "In that time we have also significantly increased the use of technology so our patrons can quickly and easily download books, music and information. Now, having Zinio perfectly melds these two and literally puts scores of magazines at cardholders' fingertips."
Patrons have unlimited, simultaneous access to the complete digital magazines including full color pictures, intuitive navigation, key word article search and interactive elements such as audio and video.

To access Zinio and for a full list of publications, visit the library website at

Author of the Bully Book to Visit October 7 bullybook

Eric Kahn Gale will discuss his novel The Bully Book and his personal experiences with bullying at the Scarsdale Public Library on Monday, October 7, at 7:00 pm. He will also answer questions. While this is a topic of concern to many, the program is geared particularly to 5th and 6th grade students and parents.

The Bully Book tells the story of sixth-grader Eric Haskins. It's a compelling account of middle-school bullying, featuring perspectives from both the top and bottom of the school-yard food chain as Eric discovers that he is The Grunt – the person whom the mysterious "Bully Book" instructs must be singled out as an absolute target in order for other students to rise in the social order. The "Bully Book" in the novel reads like a textbook describing how bullies can maintain a position of power. When other students start to calculatedly torture Eric, he begins to discover the existence of the bullying manual and his position as The Grunt, and he sets out to uncover the origins of the "Bully Book" and challenge it.

This is Gale's first novel. He is co-creator of Team StarKid shows Little White Lie and Me and my Dick.