Friday, Mar 21st

You Know You're a Scarsdalian If...

poolColumnist Deborah Skolnik is out of town this week, but even down south she's got Scarsdale on the brain. Skolnik says, "Sitting here poolside, trying to enjoy the hibiscus flowers and instead wondering whether my daffodils are blooming at home, made me realize that you can take the girl out of Scarsdale, but can't take Scarsdale out of the girl. Which made me think you might enjoy this item...


* You understand that the best stuff in life is free, but spend hundreds of dollars at Great Stuff every season.

* You spend summer days burning off 500 calories in the town pool in an attempt to lose weight, then consuming a 600-calorie Tornado Wrap at the snack bar.

* When someone in your office shouts out, "What does 'WRT' stand for?" You shout back, "Westchester Reform Temple!" before realizing the correct answer is probably "With Regards To."

* The phrase 'million-dollar home' brings to mind a 50-year-old, 3-bedroom ranch with avocado-green appliances, rather downton abbeythan Downton Abbey.

* Actually, though, you heard that that ranch house just got assessed for $1.7 million.

* You pity helicopter parents. They can't afford a hovercraft?

* You care, you really do, about Democratic and Republican platforms, but you care just a little more about platform tennis.

* When you hear someone mention The Homestead Act, you think of angry people sulking in luxury apartments rather than hearty 19th-century settlers plowing 40 rocky acres in Idaho.

* You've visited Salzburg and sampled Italian Village delights in a single day, without spending a dime on airfare.

* You know that being on the right track means working hard, being honest, keeping your goals in sight. Oh yeah, and running super fast up and over a covered bridge when Metro North gives you 30 seconds' warning that the city-bound train is coming in on the White-Plains-bound side.

Greenacres resident Deborah Skolnik is the mother of two and cops to doing at least 50% of the stuff listed here.