Thursday, Mar 06th

Gentle Scarsdale Satire

skolnikheadshotScarsdale native and mother Deborah Skolnik has just launched a Facebook page called Gentle Scarsdale Satire. According to Skolnick, the page is for easygoing individuals who aren't afraid to laugh at themselves and their beloved town. Skolnik says that "whenever inspiration strikes," she'll put up some "light verse gently skewering Scarsdale's silliest quirks."

Here's a poem she posted about the potholes which are plaguing our local roads.

Pothole Palooza

I'm driving on the Bronx River Parkway...
Then BAM! I'm seeing stars!
The road has suddenly turned so bumpy
my car's like the Rover on Mars!
I've driven straight into a pothole,
its edges half-hidden and rough.
It's as big as a black hole in outer space
gobbling planets and light waves and stuff!
On Mamaroneck, Fenimore, and Post Road too,
there are dips and gaps and ruts.
It's amazing we all don't have broken axlespothole
and also broken butts!
"When will they fix this?" we ask each other,
Failing to remember
that road crews will come by and patch this all up...
in time for next December.

Check out more of her witticisms on Facebook at Gentle Scarsdale Satire.