Thursday, Mar 20th

NYT Columnist and Author Frank Bruni to Appear at Scarsdale Library on July 14

WhereYouGoFrank Bruni, the New York Times op-ed columnist and bestselling author, will discuss his new book "Where You Go Is Not Who You'll Be: An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania," at The Scarsdale Public Library on July 14 at 7:30 p.m.

The book is the summer selection in the library's Scarsdale Reads program.

After witnessing the madness of the college admission process, Bruni decided to take a closer look at the assertion that the college you choose to attend determines who you will become later in your life. In "Where You Go Is Not Who You'll Be," Bruni challenges the current college admissions system and suggests that parents and students alike might be focused on the wrong statistics when choosing a college.
The book has driven a nationwide debate on the topic.

Library Director Elizabeth Bermel said, "Frank Bruni's book is creating a buzz on a topic that resonates with Scarsdale residents. We are thrilled that he is able to come to the library and discuss it and answer questions."Bruni author photo c Soo-Jeong Kang

Bruni has had a diverse career with the New York Times. He has served as the newspaper's Rome bureau chief, Sunday magazine staff writer, White House correspondent, and chief restaurant critic. Most recently, as op-ed writer Bruni has tackled some of the most controversial issues of the day.

Bruni's appearance is the third Scarsdale Reads event of 2015. A wine and cheese reception and book signing will follow the talk. The program is free and open to the public, but registration is required as space is limited. To register, visit or call the Reference Desk at 914-722-1302.