Saturday, Mar 22nd

Man Hit by Southbound Train at Scarsdale Train Station

metronorthMetro North Harlem line trains were delayed this morning after a man was hit on the southbound tracks at the Scarsdale Train Station at 4:36 am on November 29. The man was initially seen sitting on a bench at the Scarsdale Train Station around 2 am. However, at around 4:30 am he walked to the end of the platform and descended the steps onto the tracks.

At 4:36 am he was hit by a southbound equipment train that was not carrying any passengers. According to a spokesperson from the MTA the victim was alive after he was hit and was taken to Westchester Medical Center. His name has not yet been released and he was in critical but stable condition as of 4:00 pm this afternoon. The hospital is attempting to advise his family.

The incident caused a 15-minute delay on both north and southbound trains during the morning rush hour.