Thursday, Mar 20th

Halloween Window Paintings 2017

Grand PrizeThere could not have been better weather for Halloween Window Painting in Scarsdale. On Sunday October 22 the sunny, dry weather with temperatures in the mid-70's, made painting and watching a pleasure.

Scarsdale's talented kids, some with art direction from their parents, were out in full force. Themes were political – we saw a few "Trumpkins," and a "Trump O Lantern" as well as many references to movies, television and popular cartoon characters and spooky twists on common expressions. Take a look at the results below.

An award ceremony will be held on Thursday November 2 at 7 pm at Quaker Ridge auditorium.

Grand Prize

Anastasia Stefanou



GroupI Lilly RosenthalGroup I

First Place Lillian Rosenthal
Second Place James Koch
Third Place Lila Treanor
Most Comical Michael Cecil









GraceHenryGroup II

First Place Grace Henry
Second Place Blair Rudsenke
Third Place Alexandra Israel
Most Comical Julia Barro

Honorable Mentions

Hana Coulson
Gabriel Andrade Rozario Da Silva
Audrey Li
Lilah Lenski-Kristian





SofiaFeinsteinGroup III

First Place Sofia Feinstein
Second Place Claire Matula-Osterman
Third Place Lily Wise
Most Comical Bitsy Cecil

Honorable Mentions

Danielle Barro
Deanna Matula-Osterman
Jennifer Schwartz






Olivia LuiGroup IV

First Place Olivia Liu
Second Place Annika Hanson-Carlson
Third Place Alexandra Simon
Most Comical Chloe Wise

Honorable Mentions

Patrick Kantor
Henry Nova
Elena Mantzouris






LucyCecilGroup V

First Place Lucy Cecil
Second Place Margaret Kantor
Third Place Jonah Miller
Most Comical Matthew Pollack

Honorable Mention Charlotte Braun






goldbonGroup VI

First Place Samantha and Natalie Goldban
Second Place Kaitlyn Shedroff and Tara Bamji
Third Place Lily Greenberg and Neil Rompala
Most Comical Lauren Zoland and Brooke Munter

Honorable Mentions

Ursual Paquin and Laila El Moselhy
Nicolas Toosi and Ben Blaustein
Harper Smith and Ella Fransworth



RosenbergPowellGroup VII

First Place Stevie Rosenberg and Chloe Powell
Second Place Madeline Weiser and Meera Chari
Third Place Skylar Katz and Carys Husiang
Most Comical Grace Liebman and Lily Gordon

Honorable Mentions

Lilliana DeRobertis and Remy Weinberg
Samara Feuerstein and Mia Degenaro
Lucy Forest and Phoebe Tucker




Group VIII

First Place Sofia and Arianna Feinstein
Second Place Sarina Mehta and Maya Dhiman
Third Place Nadine McMahon and Clara Bartalos
Most Comical Charlotte Aldridge and Ava Feldman

Honorable Mentions

Jordan Kefer and Dhoni Middleton
Chloe Paquin and Kamila El Moselhy
Maya Katcher and Rebecca Gross
Apollonia Lulgjuraj and Lola Ansell


MeilmanGroup IX

First Place Holden Meilman and Lizzie Hurshman
Second Place Syndney Mill and Tessa Barry
Third Place Sophie Brenner and Anna Feldstein
Most Comical Ryan Forest and Jared Waldman

Honorable Mentions

Adam Otsuka and Arata Matsui
Amanade Messerle and Sarah Vibbert
Rachel and Samantha Levine
Anna Schwartz and Ana Salzinger


KohnGroup X

First Place Danielle Kohn and Emily Messerle
Second Place Samantha Kefer and Sohpia Sipe
Third Place Olivia Otsuka and Lucy Brenner
Most Comical Caroline Higgins and Julia Kawai

Honorable Mentions

Kelsy Hogan and Aisling Doherty