Friday, Mar 14th

Letter to the Editor Re: Traffic in the Golden Horseshoe Parking Lot

letter to the editorThis letter to the editor was sent to Scarsdale10583 by Susan Levine: For those of you who have seen and experienced the chaotic --and often dangerous-- traffic situation in The Golden Horseshoe Shopping Center the solution is clear and simple. The Owner of the shopping center needs to simply revert back to the old traffic pattern of "one way in and one way out"... rather than Two Way Traffic in all traffic lanes.

The situation now is hazardous at all times of the day with lanes that are too narrow for two way traffic and people driving outside the lane markings. Large SUVs that are parked make backing out very difficult due to reduced visibility. Backing out of any space has become a nightmare.

The very nice new Seasons Supermarket will attract many new shoppers to the Golden Horseshoe and the problem of navigating and parking there safely needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

If you would like to contact the manager Rob Fine about this matter, please write to him at [email protected] and express your view. He welcomes input on this matter.

We need to ask him to do something soon in order to avoid continual chaos and anxiety during what should be a pleasant shopping experience.

Susan Levine
Ardmore Road