Thursday, Mar 06th

Film Crew to Film at Hartsdale Train Station Monday October 28

waffletruckThe cast and crew of the Netflix series “The Sinner” will be back at the Hartsdale Train Station on Monday October 28 from. 10 am to 3 pm. This time, the police are in the loop and advising commuters in advance.

The station was used a few weeks ago with no warning to commuters who were inconvenienced by the more than 100 people occupying the platform.

In order to thank the community Universal Content Productions had offered to provide a free waffle truck on Wednesday October 23. But the community was told subsequently that the waffle truck broke down.

The filming – and the waffles – became a campaign issue for Lucas Cioffi who is challenging Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner in the election on November 5th.

Here’s what Cioffi had to say about the inconvenience – and the waffles:

In 28 years in office, Mr. Feiner has failed to implement an effective communication system to keep Greenburgh's 90,000 residents informed.

Commuters at the Hartsdale train station saw this firsthand on October 2nd when many couldn't get to work on time due to a town-approved filming which happened during rush hour.

Mr. Feiner's solution? He asked the film studio to provide free waffles.

My solution? As a senior software engineer, I'll build the first version of the notification system our town needs, and I'll build it for free before I even take office.

Currently you receive all emails from the town, including those that are not relevant to you. Instead you should be able to customize your notification preferences based on your neighborhood and topics that interest you. Fewer emails. More relevant emails. Advance notice of changes that will impact your life.

Important organizations like the Hartsdale Parking authority and our local civic associations currently cannot send out notifications unless they send it through Mr. Feiner. This needs to change.”