Thursday, Mar 20th

Scarsdale Medical Group Offers Drive-Through COVID-19 Tests to Existing Patients

SMG1Scarsdale has  fallen victim to the global COVID-19 pandemic and it is now affecting all of us, in our homes, on our streets and in our community. While we cling to our digital connections, close our doors, and distance ourselves from the invisible enemy, the medical staff at Scarsdale Medical Group has suited up and stepped outside to the frontlines. SMG is now providing the testing the community needs, as one of the first groups in Westchester to offer tests. Until recently surpassed by New York City, Westchester County had the greatest density of cases across all U.S. counties. The government is calling on everyone to flatten the curve of an already devastating pandemic. And to do that, we need to ramp up identification of infected patients.

Since Tuesday, March 17, SMG has been performing up to 100 COVID-19 tests a day to patients of the group. In order to be tested, patients must have their symptoms evaluated by an SMG provider who can order a test. At this time, testing is for SMG patients only. Given a national shortage of medical supplies and in particular, COVID test kits, our public health and safety hinges upon the integrity of this screening process. Today, the allocation of a simple yet scarce resource, a nasopharyngeal swab, is part of a grim global equation with dwindling supply insufficient to meet astronomical demand.

SMG is offering drive-through COVID testing, keeping patients in their cars with the windows closed until they reach the tent, where medical providers stand fully protected. To prevent contamination across surfaces and individuals, no patients with suspected COVID are permitted to enter any of the medical facilities. By isolating sick patient visits to the 259 Heathcote Road office, SMG leadership is working to ensure that the group maintains a safe environment for other patients seeking all forms of medical care at 600 and 550 Mamaroneck Avenue, the other locations of the medical group. SMG Infectious Disease doctor Kenneth Croen, MD, said, “We expect to be increasing automobile-based care over the coming months until the coronavirus activity is markedly reduced. Thus far, about 1 out of 4 tests performed at our drive thru testing site are positive for coronavirus. Therefore, most people coming in for screening who have a variety of acute viral symptoms do not have COVID-19.”SMG4

Even though we are living through the panic of a pandemic, SMG physicians have been working tirelessly to sustain continuity of care across specialties and are now offering telemedicine visits for existing patients only. If SMG did not remain open to those patients, non-COVID cases would overwhelm emergency rooms already at max capacity and risk even more exposure. Kim Carriere, COO of Scarsdale Medical Group, notes, “SMG is proud and honored to be able to offer testing to our patients. Westchester is our community and we are going to do everything we can to take care of them. It is truly an honor and privilege to be a part of such a wonderful organization.”

In these extraordinary times, the medical community is asking residents for their help. They are keeping us safe at great personal risk and cost. In return, they ask for much less than we ask of them. To continue to offer care, SMG needs supplies. If any residents are in possession of high-demand medical supplies, listed below, the medical community urges you to do your civic duty, to your family, to our families, to the community, and to New York by contributing them:


Purell, Lysol, Rubbing Alcohol, Alcohol wipes, Cleaners such as Bleach, Disinfecting wipes, Surgical masks/N95 masks, Hair nets, Surgical Gowns, Tissues, Paper towels

Drop off locations include:
Podiatry Suite: 600 Mamaroneck Avenue in Harrison (please use side entrance)
Scarsdale Office: 259 Heathcote Road (please see a staff member outside the building for

Article by Carly Glickenhuas, Photos by Hannah GlickenhausSMG2

Carly Glickenhaus is an Economics and Security student-athlete at Georgetown University, completing her senior year remotely and virtually due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Hannah Glickenhaus is a sophomore Advertising and Business student at Boston University College of Communications.