Thursday, Mar 20th

Hats off to the SHS Class of 2020

GradGirlsLeft-Right: Kayla Maroney, Leila Shelon, Jennifer Farfle, Jessica Solodar, Tara Bleustein, Jayden Cyzner, Jordy Love, Charlotte Meyers, Sammy Rosenberg, Abby LefkowitzThe Scarsdale High School Class of 2020’s graduation will be one for the history books. For the first time, the class will be feted with a graduation parade and will receive their diplomas in small group ceremonies on Friday June 26. Though it’s not the usual celebration, it promises to bring joys of its own and create new traditions for future graduating classes.

Here is the complete list of the 376 graduates of the Scarsdale High School Class of 2020. Hats off to this group, who endured months of quarantine, experienced the district’s first foray into remote learning and became experts in the virtual high school experience.

They are a group like none other.

Add your graduation photo to the list. Email us at [email protected].



Presenting the Class of 2020

Pragya Ajmera
James K. Allen
Dennis M. Alter
Schoen E. Amidor
Madison Amoriello
Stuart M. Andersen
Abigail Lily Andruss
Devin W. AnkeneyNicoleDweckNicole Dweck
Alan Arias
Alexander John Arovas
Patrick Christian Artes
Daniel Ron Asher
Carina Marie Ashman
Lisa Asriev
Vladimir A. Asriev
Aimée Azambuya-Skoupy
Madeleine Rose Bailey
Sara Bali
Ward Xavier Bandsma
Caitlin Sarah Barotz
Kathleen Dorothy Baudeneau
Isha Kareena Bedi
Maeve Anne Bellesheim
Ashley N. Berson
Charles B. Beveridge
Jacob Binyaminov
Jacob H. Bitterman
Ilai Blaustein
Tara Diane Bleustein
Justin R. Blieden
Liat Blumenfeld
Olivia Avery Boccia
Griffin Daniel Bosco
Connor Mallow Bowes
Ryan Michael Braun
Lucy M. Brenner
Olivia Rose BryantoliviabryantOlivia Bryant
Aiden Burden
Jessica Hannah Byers
Sophia Rae Caione
Michael Joseph Callahan
Julia Hatsuko Campbell
Victoria Ann Capobianco
Luke James Carnicelli
Craig G. Carroll
Sophie Leigh Carroll
Mannix J. Castro
Lucy Mae Cecil
Alison Kana Chan
Leela Karra Chari
Patrick Lanrui Chen
Ethan H. Cheng
Magan S. Chin
Aryan A. Chitale
Jack Henry Cioffi
Liam Patrick Cochrane
Melissa Cohen
James Wyatt Esteban Coleman
Anne Irish Conlan
Theodore Michael Constan
Noah S. Cooperman
Wolf Cukier
Stephanie Melody Cuomo
Jayden Cyzner
Katherine Morgan Dabbar
Amélie Daire
Anton M. Daire
Cameron Peter Davis
Isabella De Oteiza
Lucas Guerras De Freitas
Isabella deCastroIsabella Issi deCastroIsabella "Issi" deCastro
Katie Rose Del Guercio
Samuel W.B. Denison
Anika S. Dhuri
Bridget N. Dibbini
Aisling Mary Elizabeth Doherty
Eric James Donohue Jr.
Anna L. Donovan
John Henry Dowd
Yihan Du
William John Dundon
Jenny Durgaj
Nicole Jenna Dweck
Sarah Wan Ping Epstein
Jacob Liam Faierman
Sarina Fard
Jennifer Erin Farfel
Nicole Farha Cerwinka
Abigail Sara Fehrenbaker
Emma Bess Feldman
Samuel Jacob Feldman
Alexa Carina Feldschuh
Xiaojun Feng
Angela Rose Ferrigno
Lucas Gentil Figueiredo
Ian Michael Fischer
Joshua Harris Fisher
Daniel Alexander Flink
Nathan Adrian Florsheim
Bridget R. Foley
Ruby Rose Foligno
Lukas P. Forsingdal
Sophia R. Franco
Adam Jonah Frankenthaler
Adam Knox Freihofner
Samuel Lucas Friedman
Cole McLaine Fuehrer
Megan Starr Galbo
Richard Gao
Victor L. Gao
Andrews Alexander Garcia
Matthew J. Gaskin
Ethan Parker GatesIan Fischer Dean GlucksmanIan Fischer and Dean Glucksman
Tamara Lia Gee
Joshua Ethan Geller
Andronikos Georgalas
Isabela Anastasia George
Rishabh Nikhil Gharekhan
Nicole Isabelle Gibson
Joseph M. Gindi
Ava Marie Girardi
David Albert Glantz
Emma Charlotte Glaser
Dean Evan Glucksman
Danielle A. Goldman
Hannah Pava Goldman
Brett Zachary Goldstein
Molly Elizabeth Grand
Jack Douglas Greenspan
Jay Isaac Greenwald
Kasmira Radha Gupta
Riya Gupta
Inés Maria Hall
Rose K. Hanish
Samantha Christine Hausman
James Minho Heffner
Sidney Elizabeth Hernandez
Isabella Eva Higdon
Sophia Higdon
Caroline January Higgins
Mira Maria High
Samantha Brooke Hirschhorn
Matthew Evan Hoffman
Thomas C. Hoffman
Kelsy Abigail Hogan
Sophie K. K. Hu
Felicity Huang
Alexandre Paul Hulin
Kayla M. Hunt
Marc IfrahMira HighMira High
Magdalena Inirio-Akuetey
Annabel H. Jacobs
Ayden J. Jacov
Samantha Eve Jahrmarkt
Hudson Joshua Jakubowicz
Dylan H. Jansky
Benjamin Avery Kaller
William Gabriel Kalmanoff
Adam J. Kanowitz
Margaret Erin Kantor
Evan Bailey Kashanian
Benjamin Ander Kashar
Daniel G. Katcher
Megan Grace Katchis
Diego F. Kaune
Julia Kawai
Ty J. Kawamura
Charlotte Spencer Kelson
Kelly Peng Kim
Aliza Rachel Klein
Zoe Danielle Kleinman
Amanda Rose Kornfeld
Rebecca Julia Kozmann
Megan R. Kraut
Daniel Cole Krevitt
Tarun Krishnan
Oliver James Krohn
Lily Isabel Kronenberg
Sophia Laaraj
Isabel S. Lago
Natalia Paola Lago
Joshua Reese Landgarten
Charles Bernard Lau
Jake Benjamin Lawrence
Henry S. Lazarus
Aiyana Jayde Lebron
Brendan Thomas Lee
Calvin S. Lee
Nicholas J. Lee
Abigail Rose Lefkowitz
Julie Leichtner
Isabella Rae Lelis
Ford Jeremy Lenchner
Michaela Beth Lenskis-Kristian
Nicole Lerner
Gabriel Leibovici LesserGabrielLesserGabriel Lesser
Jocelyn Brooke Lewis
Parker Aidan Hadley Lewis
Benjamin Ethan Li
Depei Li
Deyuan Li
Jia Yi Lim
Matthew Adam Lipsay
George Liu
Jessie Liu
Jordana Rae Love
Alexander J. Ludwig
Sophia Rebecca Luttrell
Bohan Ma
Sophie M. Maddon
Tyler R. Mahoney
Eve Lillian Mainster
Hudson Reed Malsch
Dean L. Mancini
Joshua Cole Mandel
Justin Daniel Mandel
Aidan Joseph MansfieldAidan Mansfield SHS St. Johns University College of BusinessAidan Mansfield
Helen G. Marino
Michael Thomas Marolda
Kayla Maroney
Spencer Park Martin
Luka F. Masic
David Michael Matusz
Rebecca Helen Maude
Katherine Alexa McCarthy
Jacob Marley McEvoy
Aidan D. McKenna
Aidan John McPhillips
Zachary Louis Medvinsky
Rachel Leigh Meiselman
Luísa Rosa Mendes
Reza H. Merchant
Abdulrub Metla
Fiza Ilyas Metla
Charlotte Meyers
Emma J. Michaelis
Michael Demetrios Peter Mikelis
David A. Miller
Tyler Justin Miller
Jack Alexander Mintzer
Andrew Morin
Arthur Andre Roland Mortreux
Dyana Z. Mughal
Satofumi Nakamura
Padmasri Narayanan
Mukund Rangaraj Neel
Samuel Paul Nichols
Andie Dara Novenstein
William Charles Sterling Olsen
Elena L. Orengo
Olivia Otsuka
Bridget Panessa
Michelle Athena Pang
Harry Lawrence ParksHarryandMargaretParksHarry and Margaret Parks
Margaret Mary Parks
Brooke Star Paykin
Daniela Paz
Thomas Peckett
David Peng
Dorji Phuntsho
Brian S. Plattus
Anna Suzuki Pollock
Ellen Gilpin Pollock
Jordan X. Price
George N. Primoff
Nicole Jaye Prince
Nathalie S. Quintana
Meghan Jane Quirk
Ethan D. Quirke
Anne Phoebe Radin
Conner Aaron Raff
Maxine H. Rai
Richard Lew Rakoff
Thomas Xavier Reynolds
Erik Rizk
Caroline Claire Roberts
Katherine Z. Roberts
Damian E. Rode
Daniel Victor Rodriguez
Jake Eli Rosen
Samantha Belle Rosenberg
Jacob Alan Rosenthal
Benjamin M. Rossano
Ian Sander RothenbergPlattusBrian S. Plattus
Coby M. Rozencwaig
Talia Brooke Rozencwaig
Gabriella Zipora Rub
Benjamin Joseph Rubin
Alexa Bailey Rupe
Gregory Russell
Tarif I. Sabur
Christopher C. Saenger
Nikolay Sahakyan
Jayshen Saigal
Sergi Sainz Barrionuevo
Sophia N. Salazar
Joseph Henry Samuels
Jason Cole Sarachek
Lea Todorova Saslekova
Elizabeth Concetta Scarcella
Grant Brian Schechtman
Samantha J. Scheffler
Jeremy Noah Schmelkin
Chloe Sen-Lin Schneider
Jessica Marie Schneider
Riley Mack Schneider
Mia F. Scholl
Luke DeFrancis Wolfe Schur
Samantha Taylor Seibold
Elizabeth March Seider
Maya R. Shaked
Huaixuan Shao
Elizabeth M. Shawn
Michael Shearer
Leila Ariel Shelon
Matthew Ryan Shepetin
Sara Elizabeth Shepetin
Spencer Peter Sheppe
Evan Harris Shire
Holly Morel Shuster
Olivia Madison Silberstein
Sarah A. Silverman
Jack Keller Silvers
Henry Spencer Simonds
Jacob Sinclair
Michelle Jordyn Singer
Noah Jules Smith
Ryan M. Smith
John P. Solie
Jessica Lily Solodar
Harrison James Song
Kayla E. Song
Ari N. Sontag
Vishnu Srinivas
Ashwin T. Sriskanthan
Jeremy Edgar Steinschraber
Ariel Stern
Joshua Andrew Strassberg
Julia Strong
Justin P. Su
Yingjue Sun
Matthew Noah Sussman
Zoë Sam Sussman
Rachel Claire Swartz
Jordan G. Tepper
Chloe J. Thomas
Lisa Brooke ThurmanJuliaWhiteSHS20 copyJulia White
Oscar Claudio Tirabassi
Jordan Marie Titone
Jacob Bernard Traumer
Sophia M. Trujillo
Sara Nicole Vatanapradit
Sophia E. Verrelli
Abhinav Ram Vittal
Samantha Marie Vleck
Hope A. Walker
Kevin Brian Walker
Benjamin W. Wang
Catherine Leah Ward
Dylan Blake Wasserberger
Fisher Richard Waterhouse
T'Naysia Renee Watt
Eric Lee Wei
Seth Benjamin Weil
Aaron L. Wenk
Julia Rebecca White
Michael K. Wong
Evan Austin Worth
Brian A. Yang
Max Yi Yang
Brandon A. Yazdi
Shunxing Zhang
Kelly Zhu
Jonathan S. Ziman
Gillian Melissa Zitrin
Lauren Zou


Add your graduation photo to the list. Email us at [email protected].

Congrats to College Graduates!

John Harington Gilpin Union CollegeJohn Harington Gilpin, Union College