Thursday, Mar 20th

Free Summer Theatre Program for High School Students

altThis summer marks the debut of Free Theatre, a five-week program for high school students that is free of cost to all participants. Founded by Scarsdale resident, teacher and director Betsy Hooper, and sponsored by the White Plains Youth Bureaus, Free Theatre offers high school students the opportunity to spend summer evenings working onstage or backstage in a full-scale theatre production. “For the kids,” says Hooper, “the only cost is their commitment.”

Hooper and other theatre professionals are donating their time and expertise because of their belief in the value of being part of a theatre experience. “Being part of a production is like being part of a sports team,” Hooper explains. “It encourages kids to be responsible to something larger than themselves, helps them build confidence and uncover their own creativity.”

Students who join Free Theatre this summer can act, play music or work backstage on set design, lighting design or costumes.

Free Theatre will be held at the Mamaroneck Avenue School in White Plains, Monday through Thursday from 7 pm - 9pm. The program runs from July 6th to August 6th with performances on August 5th and 6th. Auditions for roles will be held on June 30th and July 1st at 7:30.

There will be a meeting for all interested students and parents on June 10 at 7:30 at the Mamaroneck Avenue School in the auditorium.

Ms. Hooper has been a director of youth theatre in Westchester for nearly 25 years. She has been program director of the Purchase College Summer Youth Playwrights Program, theatre director at Hastings High School and is currently the drama teacher at the Windward School.

For more information about Free Theatre, call the White Plains Youth Bureau at 914-422-1378 ext. 2104 or email [email protected].