Thursday, Mar 20th

Scarsdale Police Issue Warning About COVID-19 Vaccine Scams

covidscamNumerous scams have appeared since the onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Now, with the announcement of a COVID-19 Vaccine, the Scarsdale Police Department wants to remind our residents to be on the lookout for vaccine related scams. Although we have not received any reports, we want to share with you some possible scam warning signs:

Here's an excerpt from the Federal Trade Commission:

-You likely will not need to pay anything out of pocket to get the vaccine during this public health emergency.

-You cannot pay to put your name on a list to get the vaccine.

-You cannot pay to get early access to the vaccine.

-No one from Medicare or the Health Department with contact you.

-No one from a vaccine distribution site or health care payer, like a private insurance company, will call you asking for your Social Security number or your credit card or bank account information to sign you up to get the vaccine.

-Beware of providers offering other products, treatments, or medicines to prevent the virus. Check with your health care provider before paying for or receiving any COVID-19-related treatment.

-You receive a telephone call, text message, email or computer pop-up that you did not solicit.

-The solicitor requests unusual payment terms (for example, prepaid debit or gift cards or electronic wiring of

-The solicitor requests your bank account information, social security number or other personal information or credit card number.

-The solicitor instills a sense of urgency.

-If you get a call, text, email — or even someone knocking on your door — claiming they can get you early access to the vaccine, STOP. That’s a scam.

The Scarsdale Police also encourage you to talk to your friends and family members about these potential scams.

It is important for everyone to remain careful. This is a trying time for all, and unfortunately, this creates many opportunities for scammers to try to take advantage.

Click here for full statement from the FTC