Thursday, Mar 20th

Assemblywoman Amy Paulin Comments on Passage of Legislation to Extend Protection from Eviction and Foreclosure During the COVID-19 Pandemic

evictionThis statement was made by State ASsemblywoman Amy Paulin: As many New Yorkers continue to struggle to stay in their homes during this pandemic, the Assembly has proposed continuing to give relief with the COVID-19 Emergency Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2020 (Act). The Act will ensure that both tenants and homeowners can stay in their homes by putting a temporary stay on evictions and residential mortgage foreclosures until May 1, 2021 for those who attest that financial hardship prevents them from being able to pay their mortgage or rent. Enacting these critical protections will give us the opportunity to work with Congress and the Biden Administration to set policy that directs federal funding to help tenants, homeowners and landlords.

While it’s important to protect New York families who are struggling, I also realize that there are landlords throughout our state who must pay their property taxes and expenses, and who need the income from their properties to make ends meet. These landlords are continuing to be put in a difficult situation as ongoing rent relief is extended. To this end the Assembly is seeking relief through May 1 2021, which is within the trajectory of the pandemic and not beyond. We are also seeking support for landlords’ rights along with the eviction moratorium given to tenants under the Act. I will continue to seek federal aid for renters, homeowners and landlords so that our communities can make it through the end of this pandemic and back to normalcy. I believe this legislation strikes the balance that is needed right now to get our tenant and property owner communities through this crisis.