Thursday, Mar 20th

Bring Plastic to the Girl Scout House

scouts plastic(Here's a letter from Girl Scount Troop #2688 asking for your help)

Dear Scarsdale Residents and families,

We are Girl Scout Troop #2688 and we have a mission. We need to collect 500 lbs. of clean stretchy plastic that can’t be recycled by the town by the end of the school year.

Some examples of this are: bubble wrap, dry cleaning bags, ziplocs, plastic bags, bread bags, cereal inserts and Saran Wrap from your vegetables.

Why not,simply throw it all out you may ask? Well, we are helping our community and environment by collecting this plastic to make an impact. NexTrex, is a company running a program which will send us a bench made from recycled plastic if we reach our goal. The bench will be placed outside the Girl Scout House for public use.

This kind of plastic is most commonly dumped into landfills and oceans affecting not just life on Earth but also Earth itself. We need your help to reach our goal.GSFlyer

Please join our efforts and drop your plastics at one of our 4 public bins around town: at the Girl Scout House, 37 Wayside Lane around the back/facing the field under the awning. Or we have bins on the porches of 12 Barry Road.; 168 Nelson Road. and 164 Gaylor Road.

See the attached flyer of what we can accept.

-Thank you for your help
7th grade Cadette Troop #2688