Thursday, Mar 20th

128 Test Positive in Scarsdale; Latimer Gives Westchester County Update

LatimerZoomWestchester County Executive George Latimer Provides Daily Press Briefings on Zoom

We listened in on a press conference with Westchester County Executive George Latimer on Tuesday April 7.

At the time, he believed that the contagion and death seemed to be slowing though it is too early to tell.

As of Tuesday April 7, 14,804 had tested positive for Covid 19 in Westchester County – out of 46,701 tested. He called these numbers “comparable to other suburban counties.”

Also as of Tuesday, 283 Westchester residents had died, a fatality rate of 1.9%. According to Latimer, 80% of those diagnosed are able to overcome the virus.

About hospital beds, Latimer said that there were currently 1,056 people in the hospital, which the county could manage. If this rate climbs, more beds will be needed. The Westchester County Center will be online one week from Friday and will have another 100 beds. Volunteers to staff that facility. The county has already heard from 126 nurses and 17 doctors who volunteered to help.

Flags at Half Mast:
Latimer reported that flags throughout the County have been lowered to half mast and will remain at half-mast for the length of the crisis.

Small Business ApplicationsCountyApril 8As of April 8, 128 Tested Positive in Scarsdale.
The county is also looking for volunteers to help small businesses apply for the federal loan funds that are available. Latimer said, it is “not easy to file the paperwork and that may be an obstacle to getting the money. Trained volunteers could help.

Westchester County Parks are open for the remaining winter season, including the golf courses. He believes these are safe because people practice social distancing however, Rockland County has closed their parks. Latimer said of now, the county was not planning to open Rye Playland, the county beaches or pools as these would have “active uses” and not be safe. He also said that the ethnic festivals at the Kensico Dam would not be scheduled as they would be “unmanageable.”

He ended by saying, “We will never forget the spring of 2020 – let’s hope we’re all here in the spring of 2021 to enjoy it.”