Thursday, Mar 20th

JLCW participated in Mental Health Awareness Walk in Support of NAMI Westchester

NAMIThe Junior League of Central Westchester (JLCW) joined the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) Westchester in their Virtual Mental Health Awareness Walk. This year’s event was virtual to protect participants in light of COVID-19 and the New York State On-pause executive order.

NAMI asked teams to “walk your way” giving flexible guidelines to walk a 5k or do any activity such as exercise or crafting that would be inspiring and raise awareness to the importance of removing the stigma associated with Mental Illness. The JLCW Cares Team walked a 3.5 mile loop in the shape of a heart and chalked their walk. Perhaps you noticed some sweet chalk drawings along your street or path? The messages there were intended to inspire all and send the message that none of us are alone.

NAMI offers free help to individuals and families in search of Mental Health answers. They also offer presentations to educate the communities about mental illness. JLCW hosted a Zoom-based Ending the Silence presentation that was informative and included speakers who were young adults managing their mental illness as well as a parent with similar experiences.

“When the Junior League of Central Westchester partnered with NAMI Westchester last year, we did not expect the events of this Spring, which made the need for Mental Health Awareness particularly relevant during 2020,” said JLCW President, Valerie Phillips. “We all need to know we are not alone, that if we need help, it is ok, there is hope.”

The walk was an opportunity to raise awareness for Mental Health as well as take care participants bodies and minds. The Mind-Body connection is very strong and Saturday was a beautiful day in Scarsdale to get out and be active. The physical act of exercising can help us take a break from our everyday concerns. This in turn helps us feel more energized, relieves stress, improves memory and sleep as well as reaps the calming effects of more meditative exercises, all of which contribute to better overall positive mood and general health.

If you are feeling depressed or anxious please reach out for help:
NAMI Westchester Helpline (914) 592-5458
Dept. Community Mental Health Information, Support and Referral line (914) 995-1900
Please call 914.723.6130 or email [email protected], if you have questions about JLCW’s work with NAMI Westchester.