Friday, Mar 14th

Help for Victims of Domestic Violence Available During the COVID-19 Pandemic

safecoalitionHow has domestic violence in Westchester County been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and what resources are available to those in need? That’s the subject of a video created by the Safe Coalition: Children, Families, Community. The video examines the effect of the outbreak on domestic violence and provides information on the many robust and collaborative resources available to families. Lauren Pomerantz, LCSW, Coordinator of the Safe Coalition, is joined by local domestic violence experts in Westchester County. The conversation is moderated by Laura Daniels, Esq, Westchester County Family Law Attorney, and includes:

-Susan Carroll, Esq, Director of Training, Outreach and Education at the Pace Women’s Justice Center
-Michelle James-Walker, Director of the Westchester County Family Justice Center
-Koffman, Prevention Program Coordinator and Counselor at Hope’s Door
-Darlene Reda, Esq, Program Administrator at Westchester County Office for Women

Please consider sharing this video with your friends, family and any other organization with whom you are affiliated.

Watch it here: