Thursday, Mar 13th

Over 500 Runners Participate in 52nd Annual 15K and 4 Mile Runs

RoadRaceScarsdale staffers handed out water to runners along the route.The rain held off on Sunday April 3 just long enough for almost everyone to complete Scarsdale’s four mile and 15 K road race. The route extends around Fox Meadow and Greenacres and is popular with runners of all ages, from teens to those in their eighties.

This year there were 530 registrants, 181 for the 15K race and 342 for the four mile race with a few signing up to run the races on their own time and submit their scores virtually.

Managing the race is a big undertaking for the Village, with staff from the Parks and Recreation Department, Department of Public Works, Police Department, and Fire Department. They were assisted by 40 volunteers. Streets were closed off, route signage was posted and tables with were set up with water for the contestants.

More than 50 members of the Wind Runners participated in the race and about 15 people volunteered at the water station or took photographs on the road. Many members motivated their kids and friends' kids to come out to either race or volunteer in the event. Ten members of the group, Chen Zou and Shangyuan Luo, Yixin Li, Xiaojuan Hu, Adella Lin, Laibin Liu, Rita Pan, Hongwei Zhou, Joyce Liu and Joning Wang, were among the winners.

Wind runnersWind Runners

Here’s the list of the winners of both races in all groups:

4 Mile Race Winners

Top Female Christine Lee

Female to age 14
1- Jennifer Schwartz
2- Helen Gimbel
3-Joyce Liu

Female Ages 15 – 19ChristineLeeChristine Lee was the first woman to complete the 4 mile race.
1-Lizzie Hurshman
2-Natalyn Kapner
3-Sophia Yazdi

Female Ages 20-29
1- Carly Glickenhaus2- Sarah Garcia
3- Maya Cutforth

Female Ages 30-39
1 Leena Gyftopoulos
2- Lee Cohen
3-Alison Zwerling

Female Ages 40- 49
1-Julie Graham
2- Ilaria Fleischer
3 – Michole Eisenberg

Females Ages 50-59
1. Hongwei Zhou
2. Rita Pan
3. Djoeke Van Beest

Females Ages 60-69
1- Dorian Glickenhaus
2- Loretta Adamo
3- Jill Horowtiz

Top Male – Avi PortilloAviPortilloAvi Portillo was the first male finisher in the 4 mile race.

Males 14 and Under
1-Yuhan Cruz
2- Rishi Shadaksharappa
3- Benjamin Weiner

Males 15-19
1- Santiago Gomez
2- JOning Wang
3- Fairs Amin

Males 20-29
1-Bryam Morocho
2-Stefan Kim
3- Bruno Teixerira

Males 30-39
1-Kevin Hoty
2-Brian Metro
3-Timothy Bliss

Males 40-49
1- Carolos E Gomez
2-Christopher Hinder
3- Babk Ghatan

Males 50-59
1-Michael Racanello
2-Vivek Pabby
3-Glenn DicksteinPaulGreenbergPaul Greenberg came in first in the 4 mile run for those age 60-69.

Males 60 -69
Paul Greenberg
2- Michael Blumstein
3- Jonathan York

Males 70-79
1-Ted Piekarski
2-Donald Sonnenborn
3-Steven Bernstein

Males 80-99
1-John Gibbons
2-Leonard Rich

15 K Race Winners

Female Overall Winner Chen Zou

Females Ages 1-29
1- Charlotte Hoskins
2- Yixin Li
3- Casey Steveko

Females Ages 30-39
1- Aliyah Frumin
2- Rebecca Berry
3- Maria Krentzman

Females Ages 40-49
1-Vanesss ChaladovskyKevinHoytKevin Hoyt fishined first of men ages 30-39.
2- Julia Mord
3- Xiaojuan Hu

Females Ages 50-59
1- Adella Lin
2- Christine Hees
3- Stephanie Mehta

Females Ages 60-69

Diane Calderon

Male Overall Winner – Corey Levin

Males 1-29
1-Adam Abramowitz
2 Timothy Barbella
3 Jan Breuer

Males 30-39
1- Lanie Van Heerden
2- Chris Cavanaugh
3- Allesandro Zori

Males 40-49
1-Robert Cruz
2-Shangyuan Luo
3-Darrell Moye

Males 50-59YuhanCruzYuhan Cruz first place 4 mile race 14 and under.
1 Raymond Russell
2- Laibin Liu
3- Rodney Cutler

Males 60-69
1-David Furnari
2- Tom Dube
3- Acho Nwana

Male 70-99
1- Glen KirchoffbrianMetro Brian Metro came in second for males ages 30-39 in the 4 mile race.

stephanie Stephanie Oricchio finished fifth for female runners ages 20-29 in the 4 mile race.


LeenaLeena Gyftopolous, first female in 4 mile race, ages 30-39.RishiRishi Shadaksharappa was second for males 14 and under in the 4 mile race.