Tuesday, Oct 22nd

Thanks to the Sponsors of the Community Calendar

Community CalendarSeptember 4, 2023

To the Editor:

The Scarsdale Parent-Teacher Council (PTC) Community Calendar has arrived in the mailboxes of Scarsdale School District residences. Many members of our community depend on the PTC Community Calendar for their academic year planning as it is filled with important community and school-related events. The Scarsdale Parent-Teacher Council is happy to provide this valuable resource and offer it in both print and electronic forms.

PT Council would like to extend a huge thank you to our incredible community sponsors: Scarsdale Security Systems, Houlihan Lawrence Real Estate, Compass Realty/The Zach and Heather Harrison Team, Eye Gallery of Scarsdale and Julia B. Fee/Sotheby’s. The production and distribution of the printed calendar is possible because of their support and generosity. Additional printed copies of the calendar are available for pick-up at the offices of our sponsors as well as the main offices of the seven Scarsdale Schools.

The online version of the calendar may be found here (https://www.scarsdaleschools.k12.ny.us/Page/12996). As a general reminder, all dates/times and locations of calendar events are subject to change throughout the year and the online calendar will reflect these changes as they are made and submitted to the PTC Calendar Chairs. The cover of the printed calendar also has a QR Code that will take you directly to the electronic version.

A huge thank you to the dedicated and meticulous work of the PT Council Community Calendar Co-Chairs, Dana Wiczyk and Rohini Sahni. This large-scale project would not be possible without their volunteer commitment as well as the detailed calendar-planning of the seven school PTAs and their PTA Presidents.

On behalf of PT Council, I extend our best wishes to the entire community, especially to all of the students as they move into the 2023-24 school year!

Leah Dembitzer
PT Council President, 2023-24