Thursday, Mar 20th

A Standout Performance of The Drowsy Chaperone at SHS

drowsytapThough the lyrics from The Drowsy Chaperone suggest that all we can hope for is to "stumble, bumble and fumble along," the Scarsdale High School Drama Club did far more than that in their three delightful performances of the play this past weekend. Narrated by the Man In the Chair, played by the engaging Sam Harris, the show is an uproarious farce about musical theatre, silent film stars, vanity, villains and an old fashioned wedding. Alone in his apartment, the "Man in the Chair" hopes to lift his blue mood by playing the LP of the “Drowsy Chaperone” on his Victrola. He provides charming explanations and asides as the curtain opens and the play is enacted.

This production had many highlights, from students who have acted before and newcomers to the stage. They pulled off the comedic scenes, playing on double entendres and silly misunderstandings with finesse and grace.

Notable performances included Lauren Bender as the Drowsy Chaperone who stole the show, tripping and sauntering in an inebriated rendition of “As We Stumble Along.”  Singing with a powerful, nuanced voice she made her debut and brought the audience to their feet. The bride-to be, Janet Van De Graaf, is played by sophomore Sophio Lauruelle who insists that she "Doesn't Want to Show Off No More." We hope that this is not true as this little dynamo can sing, dance, do cartwheels and act. Both girls gave unforgettable performances.

Justine Gelfman and Adam Sperber as Mrs. Tottendale and Underling prove to be adept comic actors and songsters, spitting, singing, spitting and singing some more while providing big laughs for the audience. As the groom, Sam Gonzales croons, roller skates and brings back Fred Astaire with a tap dance a deux performed with George, played by Andrew Wang.

drowsyjanet Plotting to trump the wedding plans of the happy couple are Feldzieg, a producer who doesn’t want to lose his star actress, and his sidekick Kitty, who schemes to replace Van De Graff in the show. The couple, played by Gregory Seiden and Emma Miller recreate the romamtic chemistry  and timing of the Honeymooners. Gregory as the straigh man is hilarious and Emma's stage presence and singing ability peg her as a future SHS star.

Latin lover Aldolpho, (Will Heffner) charges onto the stage draped in a red cape with sword in hand, ready to seduce Van De Graaf before her wedding day to prevent the upcoming nuptials. Singing, “I am Adolpho” he preens and prances only to perform his mock seduction on the wrong woman.

Two gangsters, Rebecca Erde and Sunny Feinstein are disguised as bakers, with rolling pins rather than guns. Singing clever lyrics, they dance, scheme and entertain. With the timing of a Vaudeville team, they lead the entire ensemble in the rousing number "Toledo Surprise." Trix the Aviatrix flies in to conduct the wedding, performing “I Do, I Do in the Sky.” Becca Zipursky’s strong voice carries the cast through the finale.drowsybakers2

The ensemble as well as reporters Jason Altabet, and Winston Wilson plus Superintendent Jordan Thaler should be congratulated. As always, kudos to Director Adrienne Meyer, Musical Director Kurt Kelley, Technical Director Caren Valente and Technical Director Stephen Bogardus for a professional production.

Thanks to Jon Thaler for his terrific photographs. To see more, or purchase photos go to
