Thursday, Mar 06th

Letter to the Editor: Freightway Development Plan Should Consider Impact on Local Traffic

letter to the editorThis letter was sent to Scarsdale10583 by Don Friedman, CEO of GIC Realty:
Initially, I was quite enthusiastic about the proposed Freightway development and all the good things that could flow from the development.

What has given me real concern is the present traffic congestion in and around the village. And, what the development could do in worsening that condition.

I live on Garth Road and my business and social life cause me to use all of the roads that surround the development site, daily. I note that normal commutation traffic occludes the roads and that is expected and acceptable. What is of serious concern is that between 9:00AM and 4:30 PM the roads are fairly tight with traffic from the present usage. And, if there is any road work, that is where you see congestion, and is a precursor of what could happen when the Freightway project is completed and occupied.

I can foresee traffic conditions becoming a source of resident outrage.

I submit that a traffic engineer’s input on the potential occupancy use should be a guide and used in selecting a development use that has the least impact on traffic.

In fairness, and transparency I have recommended the above suggestion to the Village Planer who said that was part of the plan. The former Mayor dismissed me as a nonresident.

S.Donald Friedman
GIC Realty NY Corp.
155 Garth Road
Scarsdale, NY 10583

[email protected]