Thursday, Mar 20th

New Rochelle Man Arrested for Burglary at Eastchester Elementary School During the School Day

DonaldBennettAuthorities have arrested a suspect who allegedly entered an Eastchester elementary school during the school day and stole cash and a store card from an employee’s wallet.

According to the report, on February 28, Donald Bennett (born 9-20-59) entered the Waverly Grammar School, a public elementary school on Hall Avenue in Eastchester, “under false pretenses.” He entered a number of rooms and stole $65 cash and a store club card from an employee’s work area. He was escorted out of the building by a security guard. It was later found that personal property was missing. The investigation continues.

Similar incidents were reported at IHM, on February 12 and February 28, when a suspect entered the school, with children in the school. On February 28 an employee’s wallet containing $200 and credit cards was stolen. Scarsdale police say that incident is still under investigation.

On March 6, Westchester County District Attorney Anthony A. Scarpino, Jr. announced that Donald Bennett of New Rochelle was arraigned on charges related to the theft at an Eastchester elementary school Feb. 28, 2020.

Bennett, a felon with prior convictions, was arrested yesterday by Eastchester Police and was arraigned on one count of Burglary in the Third Degree, a class D felony. On March 6, 2020 Bennett appeared in Westchester County Court for a bail hearing. Pursuant to the new NYS bail law, Burglary in the Second Degree is a crime which does not qualify for bail. Judge George Fufidio released Bennett on his own recognizance.

He is scheduled to return to Eastchester Town Court March 11, 2020.