Thursday, Mar 20th

Letter: The Scarsdale Pool Needs to be Repaired

Pool 4This letter to the editor was writte by Myra Saul of Lincoln Road:
The pool complex serves many purposes. It is a bucolic oasis where everyone--babies to seniors--can socialize and partake in recreational activities at their own pace. Without the pool, it is clear that our town day camp would suffer. How about the swim team and diving teams, swim lessons and jobs for Scarsdale teens? 

The pool needs repairs. It is simple as that. Years of deferred maintenance have left us in the situation where these repairs are substantial and have a big price tag. The only equitable and appropriate way to pay for such repairs is with a bond.  

The pool is perhaps one of the only egalitarian recreational assets in the Village. Young and old, serious swimmers or just those who want to take a dip on a hot day, all benefit from the pool. You do not have to be a tennis player, ball-player, or even an athlete to love the pool!

Over fifty years ago, community members saw the need for a place for all Scarsdalians to enjoy the summer. It truly would be a shame to see such a wonderful, important community asset wither. This is a positive decision in the interest of all Scarsdale residents now and in the future.

Show our elected officials that you support the pool complex and want it to remain a community gem! Please respond to the written survey if one should be sent to your household or fill out the online survey on the Village website.

Myra Saul, Lincoln Road