Thursday, Mar 06th

Heathcote Book Fair and the Fire Department Visits Edgewood School

heathcotebookfairHeathcote Elementary School hosted their annual book fair at the school this week. On Wednesday night from 6:30-8:00 pm, there were festivities going on at the school in conjunction with the book fair. Coach Steve conducted games and contests with prizes in the gym, there was Bingo in the multipurpose room, and the book fair in the Library.

Community Service was also encouraged throughout the book sale, as new PJs and new/gently used books were collected to be donated to local children in need.

firesafety2The Scarsdale Fire Department visited Edgewood's first graders on Friday October 14 to discuss fire safety. October is Fire Safety Month and firemen showed the young students how to prevent a fire and what to do in case of a fire. They demonstrated how to stop, drop and roll and to get out and stay out of a fire. Students watched a fire safety video and saw a fireman in full gear so that they would not be afraid if a fireman came to their aid. Finally, the tour of the fire truck was the event highlight for some.firesafety1_copy