Friday, Mar 14th

SBNC Candidate Bios For January 17 Election

votesmallThe election for the Scarsdale School Board Nominating Committee is just two weeks away.  All Scarsdale voters are encouraged to participate in the selection of representatives from each of the five areas who will be charged with identifying candidates to serve on the Scarsdale Board of Education.  Below please find the biographies of the candidates for the nominating committee as well as details on where and when to vote:

The Scarsdale School Board Nominating Committee, which chooses School Board candidates, will hold elections for its 2012 slate on Tuesday, January 17, 2012 from 7:00am to 10:00 am and 2:00pm to 9:00 pm in the Scarsdale Middle School Auditorium Lobby (134 Mamaroneck Rd.) Mail-in ballots are available to be downloaded and printed from: . Also, copies of the mail-in ballot are at the Reference Desk of the Scarsdale Library, the brochure racks in Village Hall or by calling Nan Berke at 472-8387. The mail-in ballot is not just for people planning to be out of town on Election Day. It can be used by anyone who will not be voting in person. Biographies of each SBNC candidate are below:


KATHRYN CONLAN-212 Madison Rd. Resident for 10 years. Education: Worcester Polytechnic Institute (BS), Lehigh University (MS), Harvard Business School (MBA) Occupation: Stay at home mom, former Financial Analyst and Engineer Civic Activities: Current-Edgewood PTA Executive Board Member & Treasurer, Scarsdale Adult School Liaison, IHM Religious Education Board, IHM Religious Education Teacher, Girl Scout Co-Leader; Past-Edgewood School Class Parent. Children: 11 (SMS), 9, 7 & 5 (Edgewood)

JOHN CROMWELL-269 Nelson Rd. Resident for 17 years. Education: Grinnell College (BA), University of Wisconsin (JD) Occupation: Attorney. Civic Activities: Current-Scarsdale Forum, Neighborhood Character Committee; Bet Am Shalom Synagogue, Ritual Committee Chairman; Past-Board of Directors Bet Am Shalom Synagogue. Children: 17 & 15 (SHS)

MARY BETH EVANS-16 Edgewood Rd. Resident for 6 years. Education: Barnard College (BA) cum laude, Columbia University (MA) Occupation: Former Teacher Civic Activities: Current-Scarsdale Forum Education Program Committee Chair, SHS PTA Legislative Chair, PT Council Legislative Co-Chair; Past-SHS Compact Committee, SMS Speech Contest Judge, League of Women Voters of Westchester Communications Chair, Edgewood 5th Grade Yearbook Chair, Edgewood Cultural Arts Chair, Edgewood Compact Committee. Children: 18 (SHS ‘11) & 14 (SHS)

NEIL PIERSON-18 Bradley Rd. Resident for 7 years. Education: University of Rochester, SUNY Stony Brook Occupation: Project Manager, Website Development & Support Civic Activities: Coalition for Scarsdale Schools, Founding Member. Child: 7 (Edgewood)


DIANE BAYLOR-31 Cohawney Rd. Resident for 23 years (7 as adult). Education: Amherst College (BA), University of Chicago (JD) Occupation: Attorney (non practicing) Civic Activities: Current-Fox Meadow PTA: Update Chair, Publicity Chair, Garden Chair, Co-Chair After School Clubs; Scarsdale C.H.I.L.D. Liaison and Steering Committee Member; Scarsdale Adult School Publicity Coordinator; SW BOCES SEPTA Founding Member and Class Parent; Past-Fox Meadow PTA Nominating Committee Member & Principal Search Committee Member; SW BOCES SEPTA Nominating Committee Member. Children:10 & 7

MARY LOU D’SILVA-15 Axtell Drive. Resident for 10 years. Education: Stonehill College (BA) Occupation: Registered Nurse Civic Activities: Current-English as a 2nd language Teacher for International Cultural Exchange Program , Crane Berkley Neighborhood Assoc Board Member, Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corp Past- Drug & Alcohol Task Force, Learning Leaders in Bronx Public School, Fox Meadow Abilities Awareness Chair. Children: 17,15 (SHS) & 11 (SMS)

JAMIE REIFFEL KEFER-4 Chesterfield Rd. Resident for 24 years (6 as adult). Education: Duke University (BA), Fordham University (JD) Occupation: Attorney (non-practicing) Civic Activities: Current-Scarsdale Forum Member, Duke University Alumni Interviewer , Fox Meadow PTA Committee Chair, Girl Scout Troop Leader, Fox Meadow & Kid’s Base/Little School Class Parent, Making Strides Team Captain, Young Families Committee Chair for Metropolis CC. Children: 8 (FM) & 5 (KBLS)

JOAN MAZUR-69 Brewster Rd Resident for 12 years. Education: Brown University (BS), NYU (JD) Occupation: Attorney Civic Activities: Volunteer at Dorot, SMS School Store, Food Bank for New York City, My Sister’s Place (Pro Bono Legal Services), NY City Business Solutions (Pro Bono Legal Seminar) and PT Council Young Writer’s Conference Children: 14 (SHS) & 12 (SMS)


AMY LEWIS-18 Dobbs Terrace. Resident for 5 years. Education: Emory University (BA), Bank Street College (MS) Occupation: Teacher Civic Activities: Greenacres PTA, Westchester Reform Temple Religious School Committee Member Children: 6, 9 (Greenacres) & 2

DANA MATSUSHITA-33 Sage Terrace. Resident for 7 years. Education: Brown University (BA), Teacher’s College (MA) Occupation: Teacher (before children) Civic Activities: Current- Greenacres PTA After School Club Treasurer and Recess Club Coordinator, Greenacres Library volunteer, Brown University Alumni Interviewer. Past-Greenacres PTA Kindergarten Buddy and Lunch Volunteer, Alcott School class parent and parent volunteer Children: 5 & 8

MICHAEL McKENNA-32 Claremont Rd. Resident for 12 years. Education: Duke University (BA), UNC, Chapel Hill (MA), Columbia University (MBA) Occupation: Corporate Finance Civic Activities: Current-Community Food Bank of NJ Volunteer Past- Multi-Sport Coach in New Delhi, India, Jr Achievement Mentor. Children: 13 (SMS) & 9 (GA)

BARRY MEISELMAN -1230 Post Rd. Resident for 18 years. Education: University of Pennsylvania (BA), Cornell University (MBA) Occupation: Real Estate Investor, Co-Owner of a Medical Spa and Information Technology Consultant Civic Activities: Current-Board of Directors Greenacres Neighborhood Association Past-Scarsdale School Board Technology Advisory Council, Scarsdale Village Technology Advisory Council, Scarsdale Rec League Basketball Coach, Boy Scout Den Leader. Children: 25, 23,20 & 2 year-old twins


AMY COHEN BAUMAN-102 Catherine Rd. Resident for 19 years, also grew up in Scarsdale. Education: Wellesley College (BA), Wharton School (MBA) Occupation: Early Stage Investor Civic Activities: Current- Officer of Murray Hill Middle Heathcote Neighborhood Association Past-President of Women of Reform Judaism at Westchester Reform Temple, Chair of Heathcote Food Program, Volunteer and Chair of Heathcote Learning to Look, Westchester Reform Temple Religious School Board. Children: 17, 15 & 11

PEGGY DaSILVA-12 Kelwynne Rd. Resident for 20 years. Education: Wellesley College (BA), Columbia University (MBA) Occupation: Real Estate Executive Civic Activities: Immediate past President of WX (senior executive real estate organization), Member of Urban Land Institute, Treasurer Heathcote PTA. Children: 23 (graduated Brown), 21 (NYU), 18 (Northwestern)

GARY SIMON-250 Mamaroneck Rd. Resident for 19 years. Education: Swarthmore College (BA, with high honors), Vanderbilt University (JD) Occupation: Attorney-Partner and Chairman, Securities and Capital Markets Group Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP. Civic Activities: Board Member, Vanderbilt University School of Law. Children: 15 (SHS) & 21 (University of Rochester)

GREGORY SOLDATENKO-9 Lenox Place. Resident for 11 years. Education: Teacher’s College, Moldavia, (BA) cum laude, Queen’s College (BA) Occupation: Business Owner, Co-Founder iSingapore Math LLC, former technical researcher and equity trader. Child: 12 (SMS)


ALICIA FELDMAN- 8 Old Lyme Road. Resident for 2 years. Education and Work Experience: University of Maryland College Park, B.S. cum laude; Worked 20 years in corporate finance. Civic Activities: Current- Volunteer for the following Quaker Ridge PTA Committees: Learning to Look, Carnival Day, Book Fair, Class Parent and C.H.I.L.D. Liaison; Westchester Reform Temple: WRT's Religious School Board Young Families Committee, Chairman of Westchester Reform Temple Early Childhood Center Clothing Drive; Fundraiser for Foundation Fighting Blindness. Past- Fundraiser for United Way & Pancreatic Cancer. Children: 7 and 5

DEBBIE HOCHBERG-23 Grand Park Avenue. Resident for 5 years. Education: Harvard College (AB), Harvard Business School (MBA), Occupation: Homemaker Civic Activities: Current-Co-Chair Quaker Ridge PTA Learning to Look, Captain of Quaker Ridge Golf Club Tennis Team. Community Leader-Facing History & Ourselves, Board of Directors of The David Project. Past- Co-Chair Quaker Ridge PTA After School Clubs. Children: 8, 6 (both Quaker Ridge) and 2

TRACY NATHANSON-217 Griffen Ave. Resident for 8 years. Education: Barnard College (BA), New York University (MA, Journalism), Fordham University (MSW). Occupation: Social Worker Civic Activities: Current-Task Force on Drugs & Alcohol-SMS Representative Past- Greenacres Learning to Look Volunteer, Quaker Ridge PTA Executive Board : Co-Chair Carnival, Co-Chair Book Fair & Co-Chair Cultural Arts, UJA volunteer Children: 13 (SMS), 11 (Windward)

Also on the ballot will be six proposed amendments to the SBNC Governing Document. A detailed explanation of the amendments can be found at: .

For questions, contact: Nan Berke [email protected] 472-8387 or Deb Pekarek [email protected] 723-6171