Friday, Mar 14th

Scarsdale SBNC Selects Gose and Leone to Serve Additional Terms

lewleoneThe 2012 School Board Nominating Committee (SBNC) has nominated Mary Beth Gose and Lewis Leone, Jr. to fill their respective seats as each completes an initial term on the Board.

Gose, a former investment banker has been an active volunteer for many years. She was a trustee of the Village of Scarsdale from 2003-2007, Co-President of the League of Women Voters of Westchester and Treasurer of the TVCC, now the Scarsdale Forum. She has an undergraduate degree from Dartmouth and an MBA from the University of Chicago. She was elected to her first term on the school board in 2009.

Lewis Leone, Jr. was elected to the Board of Education in 2010 to fill a seat vacated by Joel Gurin who resigned from his position due to a job relocation to Washington D.C. Leone is a Scarsdale native who played football for the Raiders before attending Princeton where he graduated with a degree in economics. He has served on the Boards of the Maroon and White and Scarsdale Youth Football and coached football, baseball and lacrosse. Currently an executive with Fox5, both Leone and Gose bring financial expertise to the Board of Education.

The School Board Nominating Committee is comprised of 30 voting members (six from each of the five elementary school marybethgoseareas) and four non-voting members (one appointed community representative each from the Scarsdale Neighborhood Association Presidents (SNAP) and the Scarsdale Forum, as well as a vice chair and a chair selected from among the previous year’s outgoing SBNC members). The SBNC met over six Sundays to select candidates based “solely on their qualifications to serve the community” as prescribed by the SBNC resolution. The SBNC thanks all the applicants for the time and effort put forth in their candidacies.

A press release from the SBNC it says, “Scarsdale is privileged in its ability to maintain a nonpartisan election process for our school board that selects board members based on their qualifications, not on their campaigning abilities. Yet, this process cannot endure without the effective and continuous participation of its citizens in each part of the process. It takes a village of dedicated Scarsdalians to make our nonpartisan process so effective. Moreover, we can ensure the highest quality school board only through a dynamic election process thereby safeguarding the continued success of our schools. We therefore encourage all residents to consider running for the 2013 SBNC and think about suggesting candidates for the school board next year." Learn more about the SBNC on their website:

The election for the school board candidates and the 2012-13 school budget will be held on Tuesday, May 15.